IMAGINES- Steve Rogers

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You huffed out a sigh as you shouldered your army-patterned duffel bag. Fixing your beret, you stepped into the lobby of your apartment complex.

After realizing the elevator was out of order, you grunted to yourself as you trudged up the 10 flights of stairs. Once you arrived, you noticed someone had moved in the flat next to you. You reminded yourself to at least introduce yourself once you had settled in your own old apartment.

There was no one to greet you or celebrate with you on your return from your 5 year tour. You sighed at the sight of your dusty flat and let your duffel bag slide off your shoulder. There was work to do.

After a couple hours of tidying the entire flat, you struggled to carry the enormous trashbag that was filled completely with garbage and old useless junk from years ago. Since the elevator was out, you would have to drag the heap all the way down the stairs and then climb all the way back up.

You didn't even make it down the hall. You tripped over your own feet under the weight of the trashbag and fell on your side right in front of your neighbor's door.

Your face heated with embarrassment as the door swung open and a tall blonde man with thick muscles gazed down upon you. His green eyes widened at the stage you were in and quickly knelt down to help you up.

That's when you realized their was a hint of blue in those green eyes.

"Are you alright?" he asked, concernly it seemed, and lifted the heavy garbage bag with ease. "Here, I'll help you." Your eyes widened sightly and grew even more embarrassed.

"I don't believe we've met before. I assume you just moved in an abandoned apartment and you got stuck with cleaning it?" You shook your head and grinned.

"No, I had just got off a 5-year tour. Germany."

"What rank were you in?"

"Classified. I can tell you though I was a pilot."

The man smiled and held out his free hand. "I'm Steve, by the way. Steve Rogers."

Rogers? Where have you heard that name before?

You didn't notice yourself staring at the now-noticably handsome man and you blinked when he spoke again.

"Let me guess. You're now realizing you are chatting with the great Captain America?"

You blinked again. Captain America? As in the famous soldier of WWII? That's where you heard of Steve Rogers.

"I am now."

Steve chuckled.

You two have finally reached the dumpster and Steve easily tossed the bag in like it was nothing. Wiping his hands off on his khaki pants, you studied his muscular body and polite personality.

"You miss them, don't you?"

Steve raised his head with a confused expression.

"Your family," you reworded. "You miss them when you went off to the military and then to wake up 70 years later?"

Steve shrugged honestly. "I haven't thought about it in awhile."

Then, he glances over at you as you two continued up the stairs. "What about you? Did you miss your family when you were away those 5 years? Do you plan to visit them soon?"

You shook your head and hung it a little. "I don't have anyone anymore. It's just me."

Steve frowned and stopped in mid-step. You stopped, too, and rotated around to find a shimmer of sadness in those blue-green eyes.

Did he actually feel sorry for you?

"It's nothing to worry about." you assured, waving your hands. "Pretend I didn't say anything."

Steve moved to the same step you stood on. He was a good 3 to 5 inches taller than you and you gazed up to look at him in the eye.

"How about we go get a coffee to celebrate your return? I know a great coffee shop here in Brooklyn. It's been here since the 30s."

You smiled and nodded. "I know exactly what you're talking about." Then, you sighed with a hint of disgust. Steve frowned.

"What's wrong?"

"Now we have to go all the way down again."

"That's okay," Steve patted your shoulder nonchalantly. "It just means we get to hang out longer."

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