Tony Stark and Peter Parker: Father and Son Moment

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IMAGINE if Tony, Strange, and Peter had to sleep a night while on Titan, waiting for Thanos. Peter Quill, Drax, and Mantis are already present. Peter Parker is frightened about his surroundings and doesn't feel safe to sleep on the desolmated planet.

The young teenager couldn't sleep.

How could he, acknowledging the fact he's on a murderous, mad titan's home planet that's practically falling apart? The ground underneath him was rock-solid and bits of shards dug into his body whichever he positioned himself (He'd taken off his Iron Spiderman suit to provide more comfort).

What was worse than the terrible sleeping arrangements, was the taunting nightmare of the possibility he'll never return...

Peter shot upright, and wiped the sweat from his forehead. His chocolate-brown eyes wandered around: He saw the Guardians sleeping against rocks by themselves, separating them from the Earth-dwellers like him. On his left, he made eye-contact with Doctor Strange, who was keeping the first watch. The sorceror gave the boy a nod, who replied the same way.

On his right, was Tony Stark. His mentor. His supporter. He had also removed his iron suit. The billionaire had his head propped on a flat boulder and his hands folded on his stomach. His eyes were closed.

Peter rose to his feet and slowly trudged over to Tony's side.

"M-mr. Stark?"


"I can't sleep." Peter watched the troubled man open his eyes and glare up at him.

"It's easy. You close your eyes and shut your mouth, and your brain gets the message."

"Would it be alright if..." Peter started with a quiet voice. "If I laid next to you?" Tony's brows furrowed before sighing audibly. "Fine, kid, just keep your distance."

Peter lowered himself about 6 inches from Tony and laid facing up, folding his hands on his chest, just like him. He closed his eyes and forced his body to relax. He also tried clearing his mind, and when that didn't work, he counted sheep. He exhaled through his nose when he reached a hundred. Then, his mind began to wander again...

"Mr. Stark?"

"Go to sleep or I'll make you keep watch."

Peter hesitated before continuing. "I miss Earth." Tony's eyes wavered over at the young man laying next to him, his eyes were looking straight up at the orange-red sky. "We're going back, kid. If it will make you feel better, think of this as a vacation slash rescue mission. We are going to save our planet and return to it in one piece. We'll be back before you know it."

"Do you miss it, Mr. Stark?"

"Yes, kid." Tony huffed, becoming agitated by all his chattering. "For the last time, go to sleep.

"Look, Mr. Stark," Peter perched himself on his left arm. "I need to tell you that I've been having this very bad feeling ever since we got here."

Tony slid his hands behind his head. "I get it, okay. You're scared. How about you roll over and imagine you are back in Queens, sleeping in your bed." Peter locked eye contact with Tony for only a moment before doing as his mentor commanded: he rolled over onto his right side, turning his back on the adult. He didn't speak...but Tony caught a sound coming out the boy's mouth. Was he sniffling?

Tony swallowed an air pocket in his throat. Subconsciously, his right hand reached out and clasped it around Peter's head and pulled it to him. Before Peter realized what was happening, he found his left cheek pressed on Tony's ribs, his hand still on the side of his head, just above his ear.

"Mr. Stark, what—"

"I'm scared, too, kid." Tony interrupted. "More than you think you would assume. Hell, I'm terrified on what's to come. I want to go back to Earth, too, of course. But I can't miss Earth at this moment; I have to focus on saving it first. I can't help, however, missing Pepper. I also miss Bruce; I was just reunited with him after 2 and a half years and now I'm separated from my partner once again, and I don't know when I'll see him again. Rhodey, my best friend, is out there. And Steve... Trust me, kid, I'm feeling the same way you are right now. I know you miss your aunt. I know you miss your friends. I know you miss home... But you got to remember that you are not alone. I promise I would never leave you alone in this."

By the point where Tony mentioned Bruce Banner, Peter's tears had finally released themselves silently. The teenager listened with every sense in his body to Tony Stark.

"To be honest with you, I'm glad you're here."

Peter's right hand gripped Tony's shirt underneath the jacket, his teeth clenched to keep himself from the point of sobbing. At this point, Tony's thumb had began stroking the hair behind Peter's ear.

"I truly am, Peter. I'm very relieved to have you here. Not only do you have strength, but you have heart. I know you don't have all the clues on what's going on, but you still put on a good act for the better. I'm so proud of you."

Peter rotated his head and buried his face into Tony's side, his grip grew tighter. His silent tears soaked the jacket; every once in a moment, he sucked in air from the his crying.

"Thank you, Mr. Stark. That much to me."

"I know, I know." Tony continued to stroke above the boy's ear. "Hey, kid, I just want to let you know that this is—Peter?

He gently pulled the hand resting on Peter's head to him to see his face and realized the teenager had finally fallen asleep. When Tony relaxed his head to its original position, the cheek sank deeper into his ribs.

Tony's lips teased a cheeky smirk as he resumed the stroking of his thumb behind Peter's ear as he, too, closed his eyes.

"You truly are something, son. I'll give you that."


Steven had watched the exchangement of feelings between Tony Stark and the young Peter Parker. Though, he couldn't hear what either were saying, he could sense the emotion and, although the oath he had made depicting if was between those two or the Time stone, he felt a connection with them also.

After an hour or so the two of them fallen asleep, Steven caught the boy roll off Tony, now spawled out a couple inches from him, causing Steven to chuckle to himself. Then, he rose to his feet and quietly walked over to Peter and slipped off his magical cape, covering him and tucking gently under his chin.

"Only I know it, but soon you will be an even bigger impact than you already are on his life, kid."

With that, Steven returned to his post and waited for what was to come in the future.

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