IMAGINES-Sherlock Holmes

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It's been several weeks since he accidentally kissed you. This wasn't one of his pecks on the cheek; this was a real kiss on the lips. He claims John had bumped into him from behind, but clearly John wasn't around until after the kiss. His lips still lingered.

Since the kiss, Sherlock seemed to move on like it nevered happened. Unless, of course, you count the moments where he immediately jerks his head away when you made eye contact. Lately, you've seen Sherlock speaking with John a lot, and something told you it wasn't about cases.

One morning, Sherlock announced to you that he wanted to solve a case with John only. You felt kind of heart-broken at first, but you nodded your head reluctantly. They weren't back for hours. When they did come back, shockingly, Sherlock seemed more stressed and tired than John, which is usually the other way around.

You decided to let it go and not ask questions, but not forget.

A couple days later, Sherlock wakes you up very early in the morning, the sun hasn't even risen. But instead of complaining, you sighed and hurried into some clothes and fixed your hair the best you could, and followed Sherlock out the door.

It was chilly in the spring air and you immediately regreted not grabbing your coat on the way out. After a couple minutes of you chattering your teeth and rubbing your forearms, you saw Sherlock shrug off his favorite coat and slip it onto your shoulders. You were shocked to see this; Sherlock never let anyone wear his coat. Something was up; you just knew it.

You and Sherlock reached the park, which was empty because the early morning. The sun had just peaked over and the sky was a beautiful shade of pink, orange, and blue. Sherlock gestured over to a bench in the middle of the park square. A magnificant fountain statued in the middle and bench sat right in front of it.

Sherlock instructed you to sit. You obeyed. You watched as fumbled around his pant pockets. Then, he glanced at his coat around you and bit his knuckle. He hesitantly asked for it for a moment and you did. He dug through every pocket in the coat until finally he fished out something you didn't catch and he stuffed down his back pocket. He gradually handed back the coat to you.

Then, he cleared his throat. "Um..." he started and you cracked a smile, amused by how nervous he seemed. "Y/N," he spoke again and he sat down next to you on the bench, close. "Do you remember, this is harder than what John said." You cocked your head to the side, smiling but confused. Sherlock shook his head. "Let me start over." He stood up in front of you.

"Y/N, do you remember when we accidentally bumped into each other here?" You nodded, gazing around the park square. "Yes, it was the first time we met." Sherlock nodded and wiped his palms on his pants. "Now, do you recall when we accidentally bumped into each other's...lips." You nodded, remembering the lingering kiss. Sherlock cleared his throat again.

"Between the moments when we met and the time we kissed, I didn't think you were all that special." You twisted your head to slightly disagree with the detective. He held up his hand as if to tell her to wait. "After the kiss, I've been feeling...something." Your smile slowly disappeared. "What do you mean, Sherlock?"

Sherlock cleared his throat once more and fell to one knee. He fished out a small box from his back pocket from eariler. Your eyes widen. "Sherlock? What are you-"

"Y/N, you endure hateful comments, insults, and disgust from me. You heard many people call me a physcopath, and of course, many would agree because of my actions. But you've nevee shown any sign of hate or disgust...and that's what I love about you."


Sherlock slowly opened the little box and inside was a beautiful diamond ring. You covered your mouth in awe. Sherlock sighed. "It took John and I hours to choose the perfect one." You smiled and wiped your eye. "It's absolutely beautiful, but Sherlock, you still have to ask me."

Sherlock seemed to mentally kick himself. "Right..." He closed and reopened the box and faced you with open eyes.

"Y/N, will you marry me?"

"Yes, Sherlock, of course I'll marry you."

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