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Luna Pearce spent the entire afternoon with Aubrey and MJ as they managed to tour around the large city in a span of a few hours. It was a very eventful day, but a large part of Luna couldn't focus on anything other than Peter.

She was worried about him, knowing that he must've been feeling on edge about this whole fire monster situation. None of their friends even knew about it, and that alone made Luna more uneasy. The best thing she could do make sure she, along with everyone else, stood clear away from wherever this attack would take place. Mysterio and Peter will handle everything else.

Peter was M.I.A all day, but Luna didn't blame him. He had informed the girl that he would be spending his time keeping watch over the city incase anything happened. Because of that, he didn't have any other choice but to skip out on the activities everyone else was doing. Nick Fury informed the two heroes that the monster was most likely making its appearance tonight, so when Peter told Luna, she grew worried.

The day flew by.

Before Luna knew it, it was already past 8 o'clock in Prague, and the group decided to attend the light festival taking place not too far from their hotel. Historical buildings surrounded the square area with lights spread across the entire event. A large ferris wheel was in the center, being lit up in purple colors as people stood in line for it.

It was extremely packed.

There were people everywhere.

Many of them were dressed in dramatic costumes as music blasted through the event.

Ned and Betty met up with them after a couple hours of being there, joining their other friends as they walked around the small shops and took pictures with the lights as well as the monuments.

After a while, Luna decided she should suggest for them to head back to the hotel. The only job Peter gave her was to stay clear of the area, so that's what she was going to do.

"It's getting pretty late guys." The brunette checked the watch on her wrist. "You want to start walking back?"

"Don't be such a sourpuss." Aubrey put her arm around Luna's shoulders. "The night is still young."

"I'm with Luna." MJ agreed with the girl. "We've been walking around for hours. I'm beat."

"Seriously?" Aubrey pouted with a sigh before giving in. "Fine, let's go."

"Betty and I want to ride the ferris wheel before we head back." Ned smiled big as he held hands with his girlfriend. "You guys wanna come?"

"No thanks. I get very bad motion sickness and MJ is afraid of heights." Aubrey chuckled.

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