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It was all Luna Parker could think of when she heard the words coming from Gwen Stacy herself.

"Peter and I kissed."

She could feel the bile rising in her throat as she blinked her eyes in denial.

A five minute visit to the Parker household turned into an hour conversation with the hero's wife.

Luna didn't understand what Gwen was trying to tell her. Time was dragging the longer she stood there and waited for the blonde to get to the point.

Once she finally did, Luna could swear her heart imploded right then and there.

Luna couldn't process anything Gwen was telling her once she heard those four dreadful words. She felt angry and most of all, she felt heartbroken. She couldn't stop the tears that started to water her eyes.

Gwen Stacy tried to explain herself, wanting to give Luna a clear reason on why something like this happened.

The brunette wasn't interested, her mind only remaining on the horrid picture she was imagining in her head.

"Why?" She barely had the strength to ask the question, her voice sounding broken along with her heart. "I-I don't understand."

She needed to know the reason why this happened. She also wanted to know why Gwen came to Luna herself instead of her own husband.

Gwen's response only broke Luna even more.

"We loved each other." Her eyes were full of sympathy which only irritated the brunette. "I wanted to believe that love was still there."

That was the only explanation Luna was given. She refused to accept that.

"What love?" The brunette seethed. "He's my husband, Gwen. Who the hell do you think you are?" She stepped closer to her, the anger she felt suddenly boiling over.

"I'm so sorry." Gwen took a step back, clearly afraid of the girl who was undoubtedly about to throw a punch.

Luna wanted to throw up as she thought about it, thought about Peter, her husband, kissing another woman.

The image gave Luna the sudden urge to punch Gwen Stacy in the jaw, knowing that she could do some serious damage to the girl if she really wanted to, which of course she did.

But she couldn't stop thinking about Peter.

Her anger was towards him no matter how bad she wanted it to be towards the blonde standing in front of her.

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