A Fall, and a Friend

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The horizon line turned upside down, and Kelith connected with the earth with such force that the wind left his lungs, and tears welled in his yes. "Guah!!" 

His left hand instinctively found his right shoulder. Don't cry. It's broken, oh moon it's broken!....Don't CRY. Through the beginnings of tears he could see Kendreth astride Evarah, his white steed, walking Keliths ebony horse back towards it's overturned rider. He was laughing. The corners of Keliths mouth began to twinge, his own laugh coming up to meet his old friends; but it never escaped.

"Come on Son." Rough hands hoisted Kelith to his feet by his collar and the hem of his pants.

"Aaah! Wait..."

"If you let her be rid of you that easily, she'll never stop bucking you off. Up you get."

"Jask, be gentle!" Keliths mother pleaded from behind.

Jaskier shoved his son into the arriving saddle; Kendreths smile was gone.

"Yah!" Jaskier struck his sons horse, and took a large step back as it set off into a half gallop.

Kelith winced, wrapped the reins around his hands, and flexed his legs against the horse. The rushing wind dried his eyes, the right side of his face stung and his lips tasted like blood. His hands were shaking, as he drew in a deep steadying breath.


He pulled the reigns into his waist and his mount slowed to a trot. The early evening sun and a breeze turned the tall grass that surrounded Havenhill into a green sea. The scent of the small town that he was leaving behind gave way to that of the tree line in the distance.

  If I ride deep enough into the forest, no one could find me.

"Kelith! Slow up!" Kendreths voice was far away, but the skilled rider closed the distance quickly. Effortlessly. The two rode slowly in stride, towards the woods.

"You have to sit straighter, and try not to squeeze her so hard – she's not used to you so the nervous energy can make her panic...are you alright?"

"I'll be fine. Thanks to my feline reflexes I was able to absorb most of the impact with my face."

"Ha! You misunderstand – I think the fall might have made an improvement." He gestured with a leather gauntleted hand to his face. "I meant, about your father. Are you alright?"

"Oh. Yeah I'm good. I appreciate your help with the riding but, I don't think this is for me. I'll have to be pushed from place to place in a wheelbarrow by the time I get the hang of this." Kelith rubbed the back of his neck.

Kendreth frowned. "You have to ride, to join the bladeward."

"I know."

"So what will you do?"

"I don't know."

"You can't be planning on doing the lanterns..."

"No!" Kelith stopped his horse. "Not that but..." He sighed "...I don't know."

"You don't know. Maybe you hit your head harder than we thought! Will you still be by the barracks in the morning, do you know that?" Kendreth smiled and steered Everah back towards Havenhill.

"I've never missed, and I won't start tomorrow!"

"Good! You quit riding so easily I thought maybe you'd given up on that too."

"Kaden Stormblessed can't ride a horse, and he slew the last dragon!" Kelith called at Kendreths back

"Tosrin could ride – and he saved Valordale from the inferno of the west AND wedded it's princess!"

"You finished the book?!" Kelith loosened the reins and kicked hard into a gallop to gain ground. Kendreth easily outran him and called back with a laugh, "Of course I did, it came highly recommended! Don't squeeze too tightly, focus!"

They both sped back towards Havenhill and their waiting families. Keliths parents Layla and Jaskier stood near the stable yard, Laylas hand supporting Dax Keliths brother who stood up on the fence, he was frail but looked happy waving his arms at his twin down the hill.

Kendreths father, Clynne, bailed hay and filled troughs for the returning horses. His wife, Kendreths mother Orabeth blushed as she watched him work. She had little Devra in one arm, and she took a swig from a dark iron flask in the other.

The later evening light was amber orange. Kelith was grateful that their families were such friends. For all of the trouble in his life, the kinship between the Veylnward and Kettlesbee families was a bright spot. He thought back on the many dinners, and games...He was particularly fond of Clynnes flare for the dramatic when he told stories. He remembered when Devra was born, three summers past. Orabeth brought her over and they took turns holding her.

Kelith became aware that he'd tightened his legs around the horse, and began to relax just as it reared onto its hind legs. He pulled hard on the reins with one hand and grabbed at the saddle with the other. His mount kicked and leapt onto it's front hooves. It jumped and shook violently until it cast him high into the air, and he came down hard on his back. Everything was a blur but, he could tell that he was still moving fast. His leg hurt, and he heard screaming. He did his best to curl into a ball, until he finally skidded to a stop. He lay on his back with one leg in the air.

Kendreth arrived first, his blue eyes looked afraid but calm as he spoke. Kelith could see Clynne cursing and fussing with the stirrup, untangling and finally releasing him.

"Are you alright? I'm so sorry. I should have stayed with you. Kelith can you say something?" Kendreths words were hard to understand.

Keliths father pushed him easily aside and grabbed his son by the head. "Hey, you're going to be okay." His mustached mouth moved in slow motion. "I've got you. Layla, go fetch Nermin tell him it's an emergency! Now!! I've got you." He scooped Kelith into his arms and everything went black. Kelith heard the familiar creak of his front door, accompanied by too many sets of footseteps. "Put it over there, just move it all." In a haze, he deduced that he was laying on the kitchen table. "This is going to hurt son." An unfamiliar gravely voice announced. "Hold him down."

Kelith screamed and arched his back. That's the last thing he remembered.

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