The Dragon Queen

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Little stirred so late at night, in the deepest parts of the greenwood forest. A breeze rustled the leaves of towering pines,  and whistled into the open mouth of a cave. It made the torches within sputter and flick. That dancing light backlit two looming humanoid figures that stood guard. Their armor was like stone, shaped into dangerous jutting spikes and they had horns that grew from just above the forehead back along their scalps. They had thick rigid brow lines, long snouts angular jaws that boasted sharp fangs.

In perfect silence they both readied their spears, as an arc of red energy sizzled and popped, tearing a circle into the air some few feet off of the ground. The brief glow illuminated their scaled faces, and dropped a man onto the ground in a heap. "-tand! Umph." He was disoriented only for a moment.

Glittering golden letters wafted about Dentren, as the last of the lightning arrow shocked his system, he batted them away angrily. "Ignorant wretch!"  He shook his head at the tall grass that peaked between his armored fingers before he, groaned and found his feet. His forearm ached, and he still bled from his side. His steps were shaky. The dent in his plated armor made it hard to draw a full breath.

The guards shared an alarmed glance before kneeling, and bowing their heads. The black scaled creature looked up at Dentren, their voice was a low growl. "Your arrival has been long anticipated Lord." 

"Shall I show you to your quarters, or send word that you have come?" The words were a hiss, this guards forked tongue flicked out between the fangs in the middle of its green scaled face. 

Dentren pushed the creature over and kicked it as he stormed into the cave, without looking back.

At its entrance, the cave walls and descending staircase were rough hewn. At the bottom of the steps though, the walls and floor were scraped smooth. The space opened into a small landing chamber, with three tunnels that lead deeper down.

From the leftmost tunnel was the sound of mining, and the rattle of chains. The center path was wider, and smelled sweet. The way on the right, must lead to the living quarters, and Dentren started that way, but stopped and ground his teeth.

Saddness choked him, he shut his eyes and rested his forehead on the knuckles of his bloodied gauntlet. Idiot boy.

Dentren glanced longingly up the stairs, and back the way he'd came, before balling his fists and taking the center path.

Torches set in sconces lined both walls of the wide tunnel. There were more reptilian guards, like out front, but also a few particularly large orcs, and a gnoll that bit at its flea ridden fur. Dentren curled his lip as he passed these. He'd always thought they made better slaves than soldiers. 

The tunnel curved, as it descended. Dentren twisted his mouth into a disgusted snarl as the sound of dripping water, and begging with sniffling cries echoed up to meet him. He steeled himself as he entered the enormous, mostly empty chamber.

The walls and floor were polished black tiles. Small flecks, as well as larger nodules of glowing white light drifted about the high ceiling, and illuminated the woman who made the hair on Dentrens neck stand on end. Vyra. She faced away from him, leaning both hands onto a table in front of a dark throne. There wasn't a freckle on her pale shoulder blades and naked back, left exposed by her raven coloured hair pulled over the front of her shoulder, and the very thin straps of the black silk satin dress that pooled onto the floor. She raised a hand, of perfectly manicured red fingernails. As she curled her fingers, one of the globules of light was plucked from above. She turned, and pushed her hand forward and it drifted into the face of her prey as she stalked toward him.

A red scaled soldier pulled the prisoners tangled hair back, as the man winced in pain. The flesh of his face was semi translucent, and slick with thick moisture. The warmth from the light caused his cheek and lips to dry and crack. He thrashed desperately to create distance but was held fast. "Please." He begged, his tears watered his skin. His reddening eyes flicked from the haunting emerald gaze of his captor, to a bucket of water just beyond his reach. "I won't fail you again." His voice was a gurgling gasp.

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