The Enchanted Enclave

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Keliths stuffed the letter back into Taldrens bag, and started immediately off in the direction Taldren and Kendreth and gone. His heart hammered and his knees shook, but he mustered his will to force himself to run after them. 

Taldren wouldn't- It was hard to even finish the thought. There was no more time for thinking.

Just as he'd begun to run off Kendreth came into view. There were leaves in his hair, a cut on his cheekbone. He had a broken lip, and scrapes and bruises covered his muscled torso, his shoulders and arms most of all. He was battered along his core and hips, his knees bled. His hands looked like he'd boxed a boulder and won. He had been crying, and the tears left clean lines on his dirty face. He carried an unusual weight in his face. The tight jaw, and heavy brow. He looked more tired than Kelith had ever seen him, but he scratched at one eyebrow, closed his reddened eyes and smiled, tilting his head.

Taldren approached from behind him, not as worse for wear but dirty and more disheveled than usual. He bore many bruises as well, and avoided Keliths eyeline as long as he could. Until he couldn't. He melted, looking over Keliths wound. He spoke through his hand. "Kel I'm so sorry I-" His eyes welled up before Kelith bowled him into a hug. He actually managed to get him off the ground, Taldren winced and clawed at the tight grip.

"Ah, okay! Yes. That'll do, right, that's enough." Taldren was set down hard, with wide eyes. "Kelith I'm so sorry."

"Are you okay? What happened to you?" Hadlynn had her hands on Kendreth.

"We're fine!" He waved a dismissive hand. "We took the long way up a hill, and you know...the short way down."

She kissed his collar, "You look like you were drug by a horse." She placed a kiss under his jaw.

Kendreth took her chin in his thumb and forefinger, and kissed her lips. "I would never be drug by a horse. Horses love me." He smirked as he walked towards his bag. Kelith noted his back, torn to ribbons before he covered it with a white cotton shirt.

Kendreth spoke to the group. "There's a clearing to the north like the one the queen described, and a cave system in the hills up ahead." Kendreth pulled his chain mail over his head. "It's not more than a days journey."

He stifled a grimace as he pulled the leather straps that tightened his plate armor on. "We're walking straight into a trap. I think we should have a plan. Taldren?"

Taldren knelt near his bag, and collected the dread siphon that turned cold in his grip. "The fallen star will have magical defenses, and we will need someone pure of heart to interact with it. I think Hadlynn is the best choice."

"The princess will remain in the caves, with Nihar, awaiting our return." Weldren folded his large arms over his strong chest, his command felt as immovable as he was. That didn't keep the princess from trying, but he insisted. "Send her Knight in her stead. She considers him to noble enough."

Taldren pinched the bridge of his nose, "Dentren will be waiting for us, Kendreth is the only one that can keep him at bay. He knows him."

"I have crossed swords with Sir Dentren. I will protect you from him." Weldren took his bastard sword into his hand, it was heavier and larger than any of the others, and he wielded it with a shield in the other hand. "Kendreth will share what he knows."

"We can face him together." Kendreth threw his mothers necklace to Taldren, who snatched it deftly out of the air. "Taldren can capture the star."

Taldrens eyes widened, "I can't, we need someone-"

Kelith put a hand on his friends chest. "Your heart is good, Tal. We'll do it together."

Taldren stood, battered and bloodied dressed all in black with the red vile siphon in one hand, and the blue gem in Kendreths necklace in the other hand. A belt of purple tipped daggers. He swallowed hard. "Lets get this over with."

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