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Kendreth sprinted towards the healers, and the hall of feasting warriors beyond. Only a thin pane of glass stood between them, but it shimmered with a faint blue energy. The heavy footfalls behind him were getting closer. The beast roared. The faces beyond the glass twisted in terror as Kendreth slid into the corner created by the glass and the gravel floor.

The Ogre smashed into the glass which held, thankfully, but sent sparks and blue elvish letters flying threw the air from the point of impact. The spectators that were close fled, and those that had been more interested in their meals now pushed forward.

The Ogre yelled in shock and pain - the thing clutched at its bald head where blood ran down its upturned nose and chapped lips, gathering in its toothy protruding bottom jaw, and dripped onto its chest. Kendreth scrambled beneath the behemoth, leapt off of its heel and clambered up is back where he hooked an arm around its thick neck and grabbed onto his own wrist. He flexed hard and struggled to cut off the airway.

The beast did sputter and gasp as it stumbled backwards. Kendreth  dug the tips of his boots in, and strained. A few moments more. He shut his eyes and bit down on his own teeth as he summoned all of his strength.

The ogre let itself fall onto its back, crushing Kendreth and releasing the choke. It clutched at its own neck as it rolled over and caught its breath. A gasp swept across the crowd. A decorated Bladewarden, with low and sharp blonde hair opened the glass door to the arena. The glint of his silver armor caught Kendreths eye. He'd stop the fight.

"Wait." A strong female voice caused the Bladewarden to turn around. He shut the door.

Kendreths heartbeat pounded loudly in his head. No. Footfalls. The sound of the charging ogre triggered Kendreths honed reflexes. He rolled to the side and started onto his feet as an enormous fist hammered the ground where he had been laying. He had one foot under him when he was grabbed around the waist, and thrown hard into the glass barrier. Again, it held. Another flash of blue light and letters.

Kendreths vision swam, as he shifted into a seated position with his shoulders and the back of his head against the glass. He saw three of the Ogre, they roared. Victorious. The door opened, there was an argument...over a lathered closed again. He tasted blood, and chuckled. It hurt his ribs. He shut his eyes and smiled.

Brief justice. The pain began to dull, and the guilt resurfaced. Heavy footfalls slowly approached. "Sumfin' funny?"

Kendreth put a hand against the glass and pushed himself up, "You're not so bad." He brought his fists in front of his face.

"Ha!" The beast spat as he struck Kendreths right shoulder and bicep, powering through the block to send him flying. He skidded across the floor in a tumble.. He could still feel the heat, from the fire that claimed his family. He crawled to his knees, and then onto his feet teetering.

The ogres grin fell into a frown, as it charged. Kendreth sidestepped the rush, and tried to grapple the beast from behind, but was stricken with a turning backhand that knocked his breath out of his lungs and sent him to the floor. He could see the blankets pulled over her face. 

He got up, and the ogre headbutt him. He could feel the way his control had slipped away, the hot energy that shone through his skin as it welled up within him, against his will.

He got up, and the ogre punched him in the chest, putting him back onto the ground "No!" It bellowed.

He could hear the shovel, breaking earth, filling her grave. An enormous foot raised to stomp his chest. Soldiers rushed into the room, there was screaming...but he caught it. One hand grappled huge toes and the other pressed against the back of the foot that threatened to crush him. Kendreth could feel a familiar heat race down his arms, from his shoulders. He thanked the stars that it didn't show. The rough arena floor scraped his back as he pressed the heavy heel up. He roared. His bruised muscles pushed to their limits as he overturned the attack. It smashed against the floor beside him. He stood quickly. The monster stared with eyes wide in shock, like the onlookers. It advanced, raising his elbow to deliver a final unstoppable attack. 

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