Time Doesn't Change Everything

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"Goblins?!" Taldren walked through their town quickly, and rubbed his temples with both hands. "You can't layer insanity on insanity and call it a plan."

Keliths longer stride made it easy for him to keep the aggressive pace. "He is a Grellion, not a goblin - and nobody is calling it a plan yet, Kendreth thinks Droop could help us MAKE one."

Anxious regret tightened Keliths chest. He needed to find a way to stop the dragon, he wanted for Taldren to be by his side when that happened. They grew up side by side, how did they see this so differently?

It was dark, and cold out, cloud cover concealed the moon. Kelith tucked his numb fingers under his arms. Havenhill had little to protect it from the frozen wind that blew in from the south. Merchants in fur jackets closed down their shops by torchlight.

"He lives with goblins." Taldren said without stopping, or even looking back. "In how many of your stories has a goblin slain a dragon?"

"Droop was from Ridgewallow, the draconic cult killed his family just like Kendreths. His home was taken from him, just like ours will be if we do nothing." Kelith smirked as he went on, he enjoyed teasing Taldren. He hoped to make him laugh. "In OUR stories goblins are usually enslaved by dragons, the goblins aren't going to slay the monster Tal, YOU are!" Kelith let out a small chuckle.

That got Taldrens attention but, he didn't laugh. He stopped in his tracks and turned a wide eyed scowl onto Kelith that was colder than the frosty wind. The look struck Kelith in the chest like an ice spike that made the rest of him as numb as his fingertips. They walked the rest of the way in silence. 

Kelith and Taldren fought often, sometimes as a joke other times it was more serious but, rarely like this. Regret blossomed in Keliths heart, for the evil things that he said. For throwing Taldrens self loathing in his face. How must that have made him feel? Kelith thought then that perhaps he'd allowed his travels to change him, and not for the better.

They arrived at the hillside that faced the forest. It was barren save the tall grass that bent in the breeze. The wind smelled like old trees. It was a special place that belonged to deep thinking and important conversations. They'd come here when Kendreth decided to join the Bladeward. Together they'd tried to change his mind. Now, they sat in silence.

Embarrassment followed Keliths regret. Everyone had heard him be so unkind to his friend. What must Kendreth have thought? He always knew how to set things right between Kelith and Taldren. Aelandra? A blush spread across Kelith nose. He let his face fall into his hands, hot to the touch. Even Sprig. Kelith was her chosen champion, maybe she'd reconsider. He wanted to apologize, but instead he let himself fall back into the grass. He'd said enough.

"How much time do you think we have?" Taldren stared up at the stars as he broke the long and heavy quiet.

"Until dawn?" Kelith yawned.

"'Til a dragon eats us alive, burns the world and opens a portal to another realm where she will enslave anyone unfortunate enough to survive." Taldren shook his head and and frowned at him. But a slight smile shone through even in the dark.

"I don't know. The 'goblins' have been studying the cult. It's something we could ask them."

"Insanity on insanity." Taldren groaned as he stood. "Well, since everything we know could be wiped away at any moment - I guess we shouldn't waste any more time."

"You'll come with us then?"

"If this gets me killed, I hope you feel terrible."

Kelith jumped to his feet, scrambled through the grass and pinned Taldrens arms to his side in a strong hug. "I won't let anything happen to you."

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