A Brothers Blood

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"Her forces will be streaming in the gates...there's no way out?" Kelith folded his arms across his chest, and leered into the darkest part of the night through the window of Kores Smithery. The forge was cold, and few candles offered dim and flickering light.

"The single gate lends itself to making the city impenetrable, and apparently inescapable." Hadlynn leaned into Kendreth, resignedly running a finger along the edge of Kendreths chest plate. His brow knitted together, his blue eyes sifted sooty floor.

He set his chin onto Hadlynns head. "We could wait them out. Take the gate after the armies have entered."

Weldren countered. "We take them at once, and slip through before they arrive."

The Queen shook her head. "Ozwyriks soldiers are more than men. They will be dragon-kin, not easily eluded. They have hearing like elves, and an eye for the dark like dwarven kind."

"They will leave no way out." Nihar held one of Taldrens daggers up to the candlelight, examining the purple stone inlayed near its point.

"There's always a way out." Taldren snatched the knife from her, as he stood. "Usually more than one, but in this case..." He walked to the shelves of supplies, and placed a hand on several bundles of rope. "...there is only the wall."

"You can't be serious." Aelandras face was fair, even as it twisted with concern.

"The stairs will be guarded, and a fight will draw to much attention. You think we hadn't considered the wall? Keep up Taldren." Nihar rolled her eyes.

"The rooftops." Keliths eyes lit with recognition. Of course. Hope flooded his chest. "Highness, you have to come with us. The dragon changes everything, you said yourself that these forces cannot be eluded."

"I cannot leave my people...and you cannot stay, but the future of Havenhelm goes with you." She eyed her daughter.

"We can save you too. Please!" Kelith scanned the queens face for some crack in her determination, but her resolve was complete. Weldren put a hand on Keliths shoulder and offered to remain by her side, but was refuted.

"Thank you for your many years of service Weldren. You have long eased this mothers worry, and that is a feat indeed. Allow my stormy heart to rest assured once more. Keep them safe. Kore will see me to the remnants of the crownsguard, and should fortune favor your quest, we will await your return. I will ensure that they do not lose heart. The rest of you go, with royal favor."

Hadlynn left Kendreths arms to embrace her mother. She crashed into her, a flurry of limbs tears and golden hair.

"I can...I can go with them?" Disbelief flooded Nihars features. Her blue skin blanched.

The teary eyed queen looked up and nodded, offering a hand for Nihar joined their warm hug.

"You have sacrificed enough. You both have. Go." The young women gathered their supplies as she ushered them towards the door.

She seemed so brave to Kelith then. A different woman from the one he first met on her throne. He remembered fearing for his life, and the lives of his friends. Now she was so willing to put her own life in peril for her people, perhaps it was the way a queen ought to be. It seemed unfair.

Aelandra was the last out, with a long bundled blade strapped beside her hammer. She thanked Kore, and he wished them all luck as they stepped into the frigid and silent dark.


Kelith pushed the crate into place for Taldren to clamber up onto the first roof. Kendreth threw the heavy coiled rope up to him. Each member of their group stepped into Keliths hands and was pulled up stealthily. Aelandra was last, and notably quiet. She looked into Keliths eyes with an icy stare before she was helped up.

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