Final chapter: Our last chance

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- 3rd person's p.o.v -

The amount of cracks on the ground had increased significantly and black magic kept on flowing freely to Lucy's mercy, feeding her hunger and dramatically increasing her magic level.

" I open thee, gate of demon: Shi Akuma. " She chanted followed by a " I open thee, gate of the angel: Angelina " and both angel and demon twins appeared in a split of a second. " Hime " Angelina bowed down while her brother just starred at Lucy with a grin on his face. " I see you've finally decided. " he smiled, earning a low growl from his sister. " Yes. I did " Lucy replied coldly before asking them to attack some of the council members as she kept on summoning more and more subordinates to fight alongside her whilst using her magic-power.

" I was already thinking you would not come back " She suddenly said, right after noticing his presence. " You know I would not dare abandon you. " Zeref replied, his heart aching at the sight he got.

The place where the magic council once stood fighting against Lucy now was littered with blood, magical weapons laying on the ground and wounded fighters who tried their best to stay alive while being surrounded by many others who didn't make it. Red and black were the new colors of something that once was a delicate, calm fancy room. Still, his mind concentrated on the essential which was bringing her back, so without further advice he stepped forward and broke off his limiters with just one swift movement. Releasing a huge wave of darkness around him that killed everything that had managed to survive Lucy's sudden outburst. Everything and everyone in that room was dragged to their deaths, well except for Lucy, of course, who's wide smirk now grew into a mad grin.

" I'd be truly disappointed if you didn't take it seriously but you'll need more than what you've got to stop them. To stop me. " Her eyes glaring at the many criminals fighting other council members, her subordinates and the one that claimed to be her childhood friend, Luke. " It'd be a shame, yes. But I'm not alone. Remember your family? " His red eyes trailed at the people hiding behind the shelter he had made for them against the wave of darkness he had anticipated. The people who now ran forwards, with shocked yet serious faces. The members of her guild. The members of Fairy Tail.

"Luce..." Natsu's onyx eyes looked around from her, to the many death council members surrounding her countless of times before he began talking " You... What have they done to you? I... I can't even look you in the eye anymore. Don't you see what you've become? That's not like you... That's nothing like you. In fact... it's the complete opposite "

" My personality is the complete opposite, you say?; well all I can think about is that I'm the complete opposite of the person who I used to be. Since the person I am now is the result of the one girl who died and came back to life once again. The one girl, woman who you have in front of your eyes is the new me and you better accept that. " her words were spoken slowly, almost calmly yet everyone who got the chance to listen noticed that her words were meant to be taken seriously since they told the truth and the truth only.

Natsu tried saying something as a reply, but his words hung and no sound came out his mouth. What could he possibly say that denied the undeniable? How come he had been so unaware of the situation they all were caught in?

Questions roomed in his mind but he understood. Teaming up with the so called dark lord wasn't just an option. It had never been just just an option before - it was their only choice.

Without a warning, Natsu ran forwards and while avoiding the rays of darkness that Zeref found himself irradiating constantly by jumping aside, he used his Fire Dragon's Crushing Fang ; igniting his hands and swinging them in an arc and striking Lucy with his finger tips, leaving a fury of flames in their wake. Fortunately for him, she didn't saw it coming and was send flying across the air into the wall whilst being hit several times by the darkness Zeref irradiated.

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