Fight? ( part 1.)

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# ready to finish the S-class exam.

" Hey guys We're back!" We shouted. " Hey/ Oy/ Hello/ Hi Lucy/Luce , Zeref , Niki! " Replied everyone. " Well now that we are complete, I want to tell you something brats! " Said master Makarov " What can that possibly be? " asked Laxus. "Well you'll see... When we go back to Fiore, we'll be choosing our teams for the GMG! " screamed master with joy when everyone started cheering. " This will be also considered a training for that!". I smiled. Minerva would probably participate too and this would be my chance to embarrass her in front of everyone. " Lucy and Zeref, you won't be taking part of the exam now, because we already know you are the strongest. You two will train the other S-class mages... Is that okay? " I nodded. " Yeah... It's okay. " Said Zeref. " Well, because yesterday's probe had... Problems... We will start again today but I'll chose the teams... *evil grin* The winner gets 5p. While the loser doesn't get any!

The first teams to fight will be Lisanna and Evergreen against.... Cana and Juvia.

Cana and Juvia won.

Having now 6p.

Then, Gajell and Levy fought against Wendy and Carla.

Gajell and Levy won.

Having now 8p.

Lastly Gray and Niki fought against Natsu and Happy.

" Oy flamebrain, lets decide who's stronger!"shouted Gray heading towards the fighting area. " Bring it on Ice princess!" Shouted Natsu. Following him. Happy and Niki sweat dropped, wich made me laugh. " Fire dragon roar! " Screamed Natsu pointing at Gray, who was faster and was on his way to hit him. " Ice make: Hammer " screamed Gray while trying to hit Natsu on the face. Happy was quicker than everyone this time, flying away with Natsu before Gray could hurt him. " Oy don't run away Tabasco breath! " screamed Gray angry to Natsu, who was now flying above him. " Don't worry Gray! " Said Niki while carrying Gray too. " Ice make- ice bazooka! " This time gray was able to hit Natsu and Happy, making them fall to the floor taking advantage of this gray continued : " ice make - super freeze arrow" he shot an arrow, which increased it speed with he gravity and air pressure, wich grievously hit Natsu. Who groaned in pain, before collapsing on the floor, just like Happy. Gray and Niki were already celebrating their win, when all of sudden Natsu started coughing and cursing under his breath, while getting up. " I won't let you win that easy Stripper queen! " Shouted Natsu while raging towards Gray with his signature move; the fire dragons iron fist attack which caught Gray by surprise. He and Niki flew towards a giant tree that grew behind them and got smashed into it but Natsu wasn't finished yet. He used his fire dragon's roar to try and burn the ice princess. But Gray knew better and chanted " ice make- shield" and a huge ice shield appeared in front of him, protecting him of the flames. But as time went by, his ice started to melt a little, looking at this as an advantage Natsu chanted " Fire dragon's crushing fang!" and as the flames involved the now melting ice Gray chanted : " ice make - saucer" creating a giant spinning disk, that possessed the cutting power equivalent to a buzzsaw and launched it at Natsu's attack. Luckily for Gray, this time he was able to cut through the flames with his ice and hit Natsu, who clearly didn't see that coming. He flew a few meters back, crashing into a big sand wall. "Surprised? " Asked Gray teasing him. " Indeed " replied Natsu before standing up once again. He was about to attack again when he felt he wasn't on the floor anymore. That's when he looked at gray, who was laughing at him. Pointing at his new spell : ice make, ice plane. Natsu couldn't help it, and because of the motion sickness, he wasn't able to fight back when Master declared Gray's win. He was so angry at him for using this dirty trick but he had to suck it up until their next fight.

With that Gray and Niki were on the lead, with 12p.

"The result is this:

-Lisanna and Evergreen 0p.

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