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  The Moonlight that shone through small gaps in the canopy of trees did little to illuminate the Cerulean Forest this autumn night. Rather, the faint blue light of the woodland wisps coloured the terrain, and other than the ruffle of leaves in the breeze, whose cold touch carried whispers of an icy winter on the horizon, all was quiet. Even the acute senses of the forest sprites did not notice the footfalls of a lone figure, as he strode through the forest with an easy confidence that had grown all too uncommon in Valordale.

   But, such composure was not unfamiliar to Tosrin Tre'ladin, especially in this place. There was a time he'd visited this forest almost daily, spending much of his time coming to know the intricacies of the place. Acquainting himself with the vast population of sprites, who typically spoke in excited high pitched voices that where rarely comprehensible, and wisps who seldom spoke at all....but it'd been decades since he'd wandered these woods he was so fond of. His memory of the place seemed to hold true, despite his time away, as he found his way amongst the trees as though he'd never left. He ran his hand along the rough bark as he took a left at a particularly large and unusual tree, whose strong tangled branches he had slept amongst often in the past.

   He went on that way until he came to the shimmering glassy waters of the forest spring, as calm as ever and radiant in the wisps faint light. This was not the first time; he'd looked into his reflection on the water, and thought of her...Aradien. As images and memories of her flooded his mind, he began to feel, unsteady, as a ship tossed about in a storm. He was to meet her here, in the meadow not far from where he stood, "As the morrows first light spilled over the horizon" she'd said.

 The thought made him suddenly aware appearance. As usual he wore a pair of leather boots that have obviously tasted innumerable trails, and simple leggings, adorned with a sword belt fit for a king, which carried a relatively simple looking, yet magnificent blade. A dark cloak hung loosely from his shoulders, its cowl masking his face. An elven bow, embroidered with silver that shimmered under the light of the wisps was slung casually over his shoulder, adjacent to a well adorned quiver laden with runes and intricate carvings, filled to capacity with unique and valuable arrows. 

   Slightly self conscious, he sat by the water, trying to rinse as much of the grime from his worn boots as possible, when the light intensified as the wisps began to surround him, filling the air with low hums and whistles as they danced along his generously outstretched arm. An unusually broad smile found its way onto the adventurers face as he marveled at them...he thought then that he'd like to live here someday, more permanently. The thought of settling was rarely a pleasant one in his mind, so Tosrin did not take the feeling lightly. He stayed a long while before pressing on into a clearing in the forest, quite a few wisps drifting along after him, their sweet song following close behind.

 Soon he came to the clearing in the trees, where he was to wait. The small meadow was littered with flowers whose various colours reflected the same consistent blue veneer the Cerulean Forest was known for. He took care not to step on a single one of them as he made his way to the center of the expanse, where he drew his magnificent sword from its silver scabbard. It truly was a blade to be envied, an enchanted gift from Aradien, and it'd served him well over the years. He knelt and held his sword on upraised palms as he scanned the weapon, onyx pommel to silver point, before it was lifted beyond his grasp by several playful woodland wisps, and a notably small, greenish-blue sprite with a mess of orange hair. The majority of sprites where asleep, or hiding away in the trees at this hour, yet here this one was, wings buzzing furiously, as it and the wisps slowly lifted the sword higher.

 "Hey, don't get to far off now... " Tosrin laughed, instructing them, not entirely sure if the wisps could even understand him. "...alright that's far enough. Give it here"

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