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Chapter 61:


Noel was engulfed in his deep slumber when he received a call on his phone. The ringing of the cellphone was so loud that it pulled him out of his sleep within a few seconds. He grunted before pushing the quilt fiercely as he sat down on the bed before picking up his phone from the side table.

Rubbing his eyes, he looked into his phone's screen. Only to be left with perplexity and dismay before he finally slides his finger on the screen to answer the call.

"Who's at this hour" he grunted, annoyingly.

"Yes?" He spoke in a sleepy and hoarse tone.

But it didn't last long as he heard the fimiliar voice from the other side of the call.

"What??" He almost yelled.

Noel arrived at the hospital before searching for the patient Annabella Miller, he was told to leave for the third floor. He almost ran towards the elevator before opening it. As he finally reached the third floor, he took no time in running towards his sister's ward.

"Anna," he whispered her name softly making her open her teary eyes. Noel felt that his breath were stuck in his throat and he was not really able to take after seeing his sister's condition.

Anna slowly looked in Noel's direction as the tears, once again, brimmed in her swollen eyes.

"How...how did this happened?" He managed to ask though a lump in his throat occured as soon as he saw the first glimpse of Anna.


"Everything is finished, Aden. Everything has ended," she cried. Noel quickly hugged her as she cried out loud in his chest.

"Anna, stop crying. I am here for you" Noel whispered as he bring out his hand to caress of his sister's head. She started to cry miserable at this point whole clutching onto Noel.

Aden, m...my baby... my only child.. i.. i.. couldn't protect. He..snatched my baby..." she started to sob. Noel's eyes widened in shock as soon her heard Anna. Anna cried out loudly miserably, once more.

"Anna, shhh... I am here. Your brother is here for you, just don't cry anymore..." He tried to shush her down but deep down, he knew his words aren't enough for this ominous that has occurred in her life. He was feeling like crying with her, but he knew he can't be miserable with her. He needs to take care of her.

"I..I couldn't protect my child from him... I. I lo...lost it... I lost my life." she cried once again as she clutches onto Noel tightly. Noel strokes her back, softly before hugging her back.

"Anna, Some things just doesn't mean to happen. They just come to teach us and then, they leave. But that doesn't mean we will stop living. We have to keep going in life, with, or without them"

"I.. I can't.. can't... My.. my child" she sobbed, Noel hugged her tightly before stroking her hair.

"It's okay, Anna. Cry as much as you want. Your brother is here with you.." he reassured but that only made Anna cry out loudly, more miserably.

"Just take me far away from here, Aden. I don't want to be here anymore..." She sobbed.

"Don't worry, Anna. I will... But first I need to see someone" He said as the fire in his eyes started to burn.

"IVAN FUCKING MILLER!" Noel boomed, so enraged that it could be seen in his fierce eyes.


He yelled before his fists clenched tightly. He couldn't hold his anger and wrath back after listening to what Ivan has done with Anna.

"HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO YOUR OWN WIFE??" He yelled, enrager as he threw a fistful hand at Ivan. The impact of the punch was just so strong that Ivan stumbled backwards. His strength already left his body as soon as he heard from the doctor, that his child is no more.

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