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Chapter 73

Anna's eyes twitched as the faint smell of medicines hit her nostrils. Opening them in a slight motion, she stared around the room, blankly.

"I want nothing else but your happiness, Anna. I'm sorry that I've failed to be a good husband and a father. I'm sorry for causing all the pain to you. I'm sorry for breaking everything between us. I'm sorry for ruining everything between us. But trust me, as much I want to kill myself, seeing you hurt hurts me as well. I've been feeling the same pain as you. I'm going through a hell without you and our baby. I messed up really badly this time."

"What I desire the most is your wellness, your health and your happiness. Even if I don't meant to share it with you. Even if these things doesn't comes to you by me. Even if I've to separate myself from you, i will pray for you and you only. My love for you is sincere, Anna. And I mean this"


His name softly rolled over her tongue as she took a sharp breath. Her head was aching. Even though it was better than before but the pain yet was to be decrease. The tight bandages over her head were securing her cuts around over her forehead, temple.

"I love you, Anna. And I always will"

There was a vivid memory of Ivan's words inside her head. She could hear them all clearly. She could hear his voice in her head, clearly. His words, his feelings, his voice.

All of them were soothing to her. All of them were honest. Those words were his emotions.

"How are you feeling, Ms Anna?"

Anna was pulled out of her thoughts when the sudden voice of the doctor ringed in her ears. She looked up to see the doctor who was standing infront of her. A youthful smile plastered on the face and beside whom her brother, Noel was standing. His eyes were glimmering with happiness after seeing her.

"Anna, how are you? Oh goodness little sister, i missed you so much" Noel mumbled as his hand went to Anna's hair, caressing them soothingly.

"I'm feeling fine" Anna muttered in a dull tone. Eventho, she was happy to see her brother Noel as the first person after opening her eyes. But her heart was longing to see someone else.

Only if he was here.

"I've gone through your recent reports. Its good that you're having a speedy recovery, Ms Anna" the doctor said. Noel and Anna shifted their eyes to him.

"Is that so, doctor?"


"Does that mean that I can go back home?"

"Um yes. I would suggest you taking a full bed rest for at least one week. I have got your reports, everything's pretty fine and you're having an speedy recovery. I will handle your prescription and nutrition plan to your brother and then, you're good to go."

"Thank you, doctor" Anna muttered in a faint smile as the doctor nodded.

The same night, after taking the bath Anna was back to her bed in ward. Noel was outside. She insisted him on going back to home but the brother refused saying he will leave with her tomorrow.

Tomorrow, she will be discharged from the hospital after doing some checkups, she will be freed.

The doctor has already said that her reports are normal and injury in her head wasn't deep but still she needs a proper bed rest as the wound was open for long time causing heavy bleeding because of which she definitely has some weakness.

As Anna was wiping her face with the towel, she felt as if someone's watching her. She turned around to look at the window's side but got nothing. Shrugging, she placed the towel back on the couch before going towards her bed.

As she sat down, she heard a knock on the door. She looked up to find a nurse entering inside with the tray filled with bandages and medicines.

"Bandage changing time" she cooed as Anna nodded before giving her a small smile. The girl came inside, her other hand had a small box that she placed on the table. Anna looked at the box curiously but didn't mind.

She sat down on the couch as the nurse placed the bandages on the table. Undoing Anna's previous bandages carefully she applied the medicines on her stitches. Anna hissed and clenched her fists.

"I'm sorry, i will do it carefully" the nurse cooed in a soft tone. Anna sighed.

"It's okay,"

"Nurse can I ask you something?" Anna asked.

"Yes yes," the nurse replied.

"When will I get my stitches removed?"

"I understand they might be uncomfortable for you. your cuts have healed quite much, I'm sure they'll be removed within next week"

"Oh, okay" Anna muttered as the nurse did her remaining work carefully taking proper time, Anna remained silent.

"You're healing quite well. I wish you a speedy recovery." The nurse said and Anna replied with a polite "Thank you"

"Uhh! I forgot. I have got something for you. It's from your husband." The nurse said before picking up the box from the table and handling it over to Anna.

"My husband?" Anna asked confused as the nurse nodded.

"Mr Miller wasn't allowed to see you. Your brother prohibited him to meet you. So he asked me to give this box to you when you wake up"

Anna's heart clenched at the mention of Ivan as she nodded before taking the box from her staring at it with watery eyes.

Now she knew why Ivan wasn't here when it's been almost twelve hours of her waking up from her unconscious state. He wasn't allowed. Noel didn't let him see her.

Anna's fists clenched. She was feeling angry at Noel for not letting Ivan come here but soon her fists were undone when she realised that her brother wants nothing else but her security.

He is well aware of what Ivan has done to Anna in the past and he doesn't want it to repeat once more. He actions were justified. He was just protecting his sister.

But, did Ivan really hurt her?

Anna still couldn't believe as what has happened between them and how their life has taken a turn in these few months. Nothing was exact as before. They weren't happy. They were separated. Ivan was dying in salvation.

"Okay I shall take my leave. Good night" the nurse pulled her out of her thoughts as she looked up at her before nodding.

Her fingers clenched as she stared at the box that was placed in her other hand. She finally decided to open it.

There was her feather pendant inside it.

Anna gasped before her fingers quickly went to her chest. She felt nothing as she realised that her feather pendant from her mother was missing around her neck.

Anna's eyes watered as she grabbed it. She could see it was well polished and some work was done over it. She probably has got it broken in the accident. She thought.

She immediately wore her charm back around her neck. Feeling it with the soft pads of her fingers. The emotion of connecting to her mother once again was inside her heart. She was feeling light and protected. The empty corner in her heart warmed up.

Ivan is well aware of how much important this pendent is to her. Hence he took care of her belongings when she was unconscious from the accident. Once she was up, he sent her mother's only attachment back to her.

Anna's eyes watered at the thought of him taking care of her belongings in her absence. When he has so many feelings for even the things that aren't even alive, how can he be the reason to snatch a little life that belonged to them only.

Is he really responsible for the tragedy that has happened?

Is  he actually responsible for the misery that happened to them?

Is he actually at the guilt that their relationship shattered?

Is he actually responsible for the miscarriage?



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