new changes, new life?..

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~third person POV~

~before Dark Cacao passed away~

Dark Cacao laying in His hospitalized bed
'ugh, I hate being in here, especially when My friends are going back to their kingdom and I'm not there to see Them leave-' He thought to Himself

He then spoke to the nurse
"Hey" Cacao said

"Yes, Your majesty?" The nurse said looking at Him

"Could you please bring the first watcher here" He said

"Will do, You're Highness, I'll be on My way, please don't leave the bed yet" said the nurse

"Yeah yeah"

So then the nurse goes away and came back minutes later with Caramel Arrow Cookie

"You're looking for Me, Your majesty?"
Said Caramel Arrow
"Yes, I need to tell You something, but, may the others cookie get out first" said Dark Cacao looking at the nurses

"Alright Your highness" They walked out

"So, I don't think I'm gonna stay longer.." Dark Cacao said straight to the point
"What.. what do You mean, My king?..."
Caramel Arrow asked confused with not good feeling

"When I'm gone, I want My son to take My place.." He said then He slowly sit up

"Y-Your majesty, don't think negative!, You just need to rest.." Caramel Arrow said

"That's the point.. Caramel Arrow Cookie.. I'm just saying.. in case I'm actually gone.." Dark Cacao added

"I.. see.." Caramel Arrow said looking down "will do, Your highness.." She added mumbling

"Good.. You're dismissed now" Cacao said with a slight smile to reassuring Caramel that it's okay and no need to worry about anything

She nodded and walked out, Dark Cacao just watched Her goes away, and He go laying back down


He felt His pain getting worser any minutes passed
(Don't ask why He didn't feel the huge scar pain but then feel pain again, Idk Myself-)

"Oh geeze... My vision started to getting blurry..."
He mumbled as trying to hold His consciousness up
'odd.. I'm... so... Tired..' He thought to Himself
And He ends up slowly dooze off to close His eyes


His vision now started to be clearing up, then He look at Himself, He only.. showed as a black figure...

'wait... Is this Dark Choco's mind?...' He thought to Himself

As He looks around from not too far away He sees Dark Choco


He then by himself appeared in front of His son

'wait... Is He has been crying?..' Cacao think to Himself as He sees the Puffy eyes and soggy cheeks on His son but before He could said anything, Dark Choco suddenly ran to Him and Hugs Him tightly

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