new friend

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~third person POV~

The fights are really intense
But in the end, Oreo Cream and the Red haired cookie win the fight and the smaller Cookie has to retreat

"Finally, that rascal is gone" said the cookie
Then He look at Oreo Cream

"Thank You for helping, He will not stop if We keep fighting without You stepping in to help me, anyway My name is Red Velvet Cookie, what about You?" Red Velvet said lending hand

"... It's.. Oreo Cream Cookie" Oreo Cream take the hand

Then They both shake Their hands and let go of eachoter's hand

"Not gonna lie, I thought You are His Majesty Dark Cacao in disguise for a moment, considering how You fight so good even just with the dagger"
Said Red Velvet

"...well, what are You doing here?, It's dangerous You know, especially if You came without a sign on this early morning" ask Oreo Cream ignoring what has Red Velvet said before

"Oh.., It's just.. I've had enough of being evil, They all treat Me like a servant" Red Velvet answered

"Ahh, I see, well then, let Us In, before the guards and watcher woke up" said Oreo Cream then They both head back to the kingdom

"Didn't the watchers and guard supposed to watch the kingdom?, It's odd that none of the cookie watching the kingdom right now, it could be a great risk" asked Red Velvet in the middle of walking

"Well, there's usually have some Cookies guarding the kingdom but, I have no idea why there is none today" said Oreo Cream

They're both then head back to where Oreo Cream and Brown Waffle live first

"What are We doing here?" Said Red Velvet confused

"Come on, We need to clean Yourself first after the fight, do You want Cookies to look at You while You have stain of Licorice sea creatures's cream stain?" Asked Oreo Cream

"... You've got a point there-"
Red Velvet just realizing it

"Well then, there's two three bathroom here, You can use the bathroom on the front or the back bathroom" Oreo Cream point to the bathroom's location
"And I'll be using the bathroom inside of My room. Also, there is clean towels at inside of the bathroom cabinets nearby the mirror" He said

He actually before leaving the house to Pure Vanilla's chamber, He roam around memorized the places on the house first

"Alright, thank You for everything again" said Red Velvet

"Don't worry about it, now lets take a shower cleaning Ourselves from the creatures cream stain"
Said Oreo Cream

Then They both heading to different bathroom to take a quick shower

Minutes later They're done

But seems like Red Velvet running out of clothing

Oreo Cream that has been finished take a shower and putting on different clothes might noticing it

So He grab some spare clothing and walk to bathroom where Red Velvet is in
Then He knocked on the door

"Red Velvet, I have some spare clothes if You want"
Said Oreo Cream

He can be heard a muffled exhaled, maybe Red Velvet glad that He doesn't have to embarrassedly asked Oreo Cream for some spare clothes

Red Velvet then slightly opened the door with Head peeking through it, He sees Oreo Cream handing the clothes then He takes it

"Thank You again"
He said

"It's alright" Oreo Cream replied

Minutes later after Red Velvet finished, He went out of the bathroom and see no cookies are around

He search for Oreo Cream but there is no sight of Him

He then found note from Oreo Cream


What the note said:

"Hello, if You are done, You can either go out to get known the kingdom, or stay inside until I came back tonight, I had some business to do, also, if You're hungry, You can eat the food on the kitchen, My Friend, Brown waffle Cookie might woke up any minutes from now, if You wanted to hang out with Her, it's alright, also feel free to feel like home

-Yours truly, Oreo Cream Cookie "


"I'm just gonna stay at home until He's back, I'm not ready to meet so many peoples yet" Red Velvet said

"Now.. what should I do here?" He look around then He sees TV

"Guess watching TV won't hurt"
He then safe the note on His pocket (idk what for-) and went to the sofa to grab the Remote, He sit down on the sofa and turned the TV on

'.. though, I wonder what is He doing today, I wanted to come along though, it seems so important, oh welp, guess I'll be hang out with Him and His friend when He is back I guess' He thought to Himself

~with Oreo Cream Cookie~

Oreo Cream go to Vanilla's chamber but seems like Pure Vanilla has already go out

Oh well He then went straight to the Meet up aula

There already have ancients, Dark Choco, clotted cream, and Their bodyguards

Looks like They're now waiting for Gingerbrave to come

Oreo Cream then stand beside Pure Vanilla

"Apologize, Your majesty, that I'm late coming here, I had.. business.. to handle first" Oreo Cream said slightly bowing down

"Ahah, no need to bowed down My friend, also do not worry, the meeting hasn't start yet, so You still came in time!" Pure Vanilla said

Oreo Cream Cookie then nodded

Pure Vanilla continue talking to the other ancients

Minutes later then Gingerbrave finally arrived

"Sorry I'm late everCookies!" He said

The cookies inside just nodded, and some even greet Gingerbrave and told Him where His seat will be

Oreo Cream, Pure Vanilla, Golden Cheese, Dark Choco, Crunchy Chip, Wildberry, Hollyberry, Gingerbrave, Clotted Cream, and Financier Cookie
Now already tidying up for starting the Consul meeting

Each bodyguards are standing beside Their leaders who sitting on the Meeting table
(except Golden Cheese, cause Idk who's Her bodyguard will be)

"Thank You all for coming in this Meeting, sadly there is one of Our friend refused to come, but, I'm glad You all can be in here, so the first consul meeting will be start by any minutes from now" Pure Vanilla said

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