the talks

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This gave Me an idea to make another story of Dark Cacao, but He is having a kidneys failure or having a ca-🔇)

~third person POV~

Well, speaking of the devil
Then Dark Choco and Crunchy Chip found Him though, They never intended to find Him and just to walk around

Dark Choco spotted Oreo Cream Cookie that now sitting and leaning into a tree then walked to Him

"Hello.. Oreo Cream.." He said sitting beside Oreo Cream while Crunchy followed behind and sit beside Him


So like:

Oreo - Choco - Crunchy



(Idk why I'm in a mood on doing this map thingy-)

"!!" He looked beside Him snapping out from His thoughts
"Oh.. it's just You, King Dark Choco Cookie.." Oreo Cream added

They all went silent while Oreo Cream staring back at the rivers

Dark Choco's voice then appeared on His head

"Father, how do You break a silence when You're in awkward situation-, since You always doing it without a problem..-"

'... What-'
He thought to answer Dark Choco's question and letting out a Snickers on reality without noticing that Dark Choco and Crunchy chip has heard it

"What's so Funny?-" Dark Choco asked confused

Oreo Cream snapped out if His mind again and clearing His throat

"Nothing.. it's just.. funny how We just gonna stay here waiting until one of Us will break this weird silence.." Oreo Cream lied

He laughed because of How His son that are almost like His copy didn't know how to handle an awkward situation

"... That's.. true-" Dark Choco letting out a laugh following by Crunchy's laughs that has hearing Them all the time

It's good to see His Children laughs again
Even though They're missing out Caramel Arrow right now
But Oreo Cream glad that They didn't really sadden by His disappearance and at least had a little relaxing time

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