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He stand up cracking His backs then look at the mirror

He noticed that His appearance changes
He didn't really surprised about the sudden change
What really grabbing His attention are the purple gem, tied to His shoulder

'Is that... My soul jam?, If so, I really need to covered It up...' He thought to Himself

And then a voice appears in His head

"what... Father.. why.. after all I've done, You still put Your trust in Me..."
It was Dark Choco

"I guess I'm wrong, Caramel Arrow probably haven't told Him yet and just told Him about it now-" He mumbled quietly to Himself

'Of course, you're My Son afterall'
He think as to reply Dark Choco's question

"wait, You still can interact with Me?"
Dark Choco sound so confused and slightly shocked

'Yes I still can' Dark Cacao answered

After that, They both become silent

"Maybe He got stuff to do.." Dark Cacao Mumbled again and go to bathroom taking a quick shower and bringing the cape, hair tie and eye patch to the bathroom with Him and lefting the dagger being on the table

He put the accessories on the bathroom table that in front of mirror
And get inside of the shower that is located beside it

He quite impressed that even though the bathroom are small (since bathroom in the citadel are basically huge) They have a warm comforting water

After some minutes He get out and start to tied half of His hair up, wear the eye patch and then put on the cape not to forget that He also hid the gem inside of the cape
He is looking at Himself at the mirror

"Alright Cacao... Now the problem is to find out who is the cookie is and who am I/what is My new name-" He sigh to clean His head and start walking out from bathroom to outside of His room, then He search around the house but found nothing

He stand thinking what to do but then He feels as someone tapped His shoulder

"AHH, WHO ARE YOU." He scream and startled the other cookie

"Geeze, calm down Oreo Cream Cookie!, It's just Me, brown waffle Cookie" said the female cookie
"Ahaha-... Sorry-" He said awkwardly 'hmm... So Oreo Cream cookie.. is My name... and Brown Waffle Cookie is Her's..'

"Father... How long does this secret door  in the library has been here?...."
Dark Choco's voice Appeared

Oreo Cream Cookie sigh knowing it'll be a long explaining

'Well, from what I've recall, it's from when this Kingdom first made, Though, I'm the one who make the secret entrance, so that's why no one know it yet until now' He think to Himself answering Dark Choco's question
His Child went silent 'Guess He is  shocked rn-' He thought to Himself

"Hello?, You there Oreo Cream Cookie?" Said Brown Waffle Cookie
"Ah, oh, Yeah-" period Ca- I mean, Oreo Cream snapped out from His thought

"Anyway, since We're one of a few of the best defenser in this kingdom, King Pure Vanilla called Us to the meeting room inside of the castle" Brown Waffle said

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