the last Chapter

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Damnit, I messed up with the previous chapter-

But ehh-

Help, He's been staring for 1 hours rn-

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Help, He's been staring for 1 hours rn-

Let's just continue-

~third Person POV~

"Thank.. You, Clotted Cream"
Oreo Cream replied with a flat voice

"My apologize for My fuss"
Clotted Cream said slightly bowed down

"You're fine"
Oreo Cream said

"Soo.. A glass of very juices to celebrate Our victory and welcoming Dark Cacao back?"
Hollyberry suggest so the room not fill into an awkward tension

"That's a great idea Hollyberry!"
Gingerbrave just suddenly yell

"Sorry My Lady, but the promise-"
Wildberry about to remind Hollyberry

"Oh Come on You walking rulebook!, Just enjoy this once!"
She said laughing with Her Energetic tone

".. Fine, just this once, then no more for the days"
Wildberry give in

"That's the spirit!, Now, everyone, grab one!"
Hollyberry yelled proudly

"Uhh, no thank You Aunt Holly, but I'll pass, I don't drink juice, or eat sweets"
Dark Choco kindly and politely refuse

"Oh don't always be like the Copy of Your Father!, Just one doesn't count!"
Hollyberry begged

"Euhhh..., Fine, but still doesn't drink the juice-"
Dark Choco replied with a sigh

"That's alright then! More Juice for Me!"
Hollyberry said

".. no matter how much I changed, I still can't keep up with Your energies, Hollyberry"
Oreo Cream mumbles, face palming Himself while hiding His soft smile with His hand

"Well then, the council of heroes has been finally officially closed!"
Pure Vanilla said while swinging a glass that filled with Candy syrup up in the air before He take a sip of the syrup

~time skip~

The Ruler of the far Kingdoms are now Packing Their leave to Their own Kingdom

But Before They leave They say their Goodbyes

"Have a safe trip everyone, May Your Dough stay strong and crispy"
Pure Vanilla said with the most genuine soft smile He ever have

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