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~third person POV~

2:43 AM

Oreo Cream woke up
He Breathing heavily, He didn't remember there was any nightmare today, but.. He feel more tired and emptier than usual

He stand up and take a glance of Himself at the mirror

Slight reddish jam can be seen from the corner of His mouth, and there is stain tears on His cheeks

Weird, this is the first time He didn't remember He have a nightmare, yet, He woke up like He is having one

He shrugged it off and His feet carefully dragged Him to the bathroom, His body feel really heavy as if He will faint any minutes now
Well, He didn't anyway

He controls the soda temperature

He took shower longer than usual

He needs a clear mind for the day anyway
Right, also for the consul meeting
That'll not going as planned
He can sense it
So He need to always keeping His guard up if anything went out of hand

Even if it need Him to use old strategy to handling things that really known by the ancients
He sigh and focus on clearing His head first right now

3:53 AM

He finally getting out from the bathroom with towel wrapped around His waist and His hair are wet

The shower really helped Him to relax like usual

He then go to the closet to search clothes for today's event

Minutes later He finally find the clothes and He putting it on

He wearing a grey sweatpants, white shirt that nearly tugged into the pants, grey Eye patch and His usual dark Purple cloak that covered both if His shoulder

He now searching for a hair tie
But He found it Soggy
So He search another, unlucky for Him, it's the only hair tie He had

He grunted
Guess He'll let His hair without tying it up then

He then grab His dagger and put it on behind

He take a last glance at the mirror to see if He's ready then He went out from the house to go to Pure Vanilla's chamber

4:16 AM

When He arrived at Pain Vanilla's chamber He knocked on it

There are no response, so He thought maybe Pure Vanilla is still asleep
So He just wait outside until Pure Vanilla is awake

He look at the sky, it's pretty..

All He remember about the sky on His past are just clouds
But He find the cloudy snow are pretty also

He sits down on the ground

The temperature outside are cold
But it's not cold enough for Him that already used of blizzard cold back then when He still at Dark Cacao kingdom

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