the official closing of Council of heroes

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~third person POV~

"But, what about the Soul Jam?.."
Crunchy Chip asked

"It is safe with My feather Friends, so do not worry much about it"
Black Raisin Cookie states, reassuring the shorter Cookie

"Now now, let's head to Pure Vanilla Kingdom to the closing of the Council of heroes"
Clotted said out of nowhere walking closer to the other Cookies

"Ah yes yes, let's go, shall We?"
Pure Vanilla agreeing to Clotted cream suggestion

With then, the ancients got all Their soul Jam safe and sound, and They all head back into Pure Vanilla kingdom, the other Cookies start to get back to Their own places, but the ancients, ruler of a kingdoms, and a noble Cookie is now in the dinner table talking with eachother

"Pure Vanilla Cookie, Hollyberry Cookie, and Golden Cheese Cookie, Your cooperation and lending of the soul jam, has allowed As to discover both magic and pure Candy"
Clotted cream said

"You has My foremost gratitude in this endeavour"
He continue

"And, once again... I must apologize for involving You in the politics and turmoil of Our republic"
Clotted Cream states

"I am honored and relieved that the soul Jam has returned to our safe and sound"
He added

"You have done much for the world, Clotted Cream Cookie"
Pure Vanilla said while Oreo Cream AKA Dark Cacao just rolled His eyes hearing this

(Cause technically, Oreo Cream Cookie is the one who defeated Dark Enchantress while Clotted Cream just doing nothing LMAOO-)

But while Pure Vanilla continue talking, Cacao get lost in His thoughts

'.. this is getting boring in here'
He thought to Himself

"Father?.. FATHER!"
The voice of His son, snapped Him out of His own mind

When He finally focused He sees every Cookies in the room staring at Him with a worried look

"What is going on here-"
He asked confused

"Oreo Cream Cookie!, You scared Us there!, Your eyes is almost lost it's spark for a long time!"
Hollyberry explained

Dark Cacao confused

"Well, anyway, I must states that, Oreo Cream Cookie will be going with Us, back to the Créme Republic"
Clotted Cream spoke

"Excuse Me?, From all I know, He is supposed to stay in here since He is now part of Vanilla Kingdom."
Red Velvet and Black Raisin speak together disagreeing with clotted cream

While the three arguing, Pure Vanilla just awkwardly laugh since He know the real name of Oreo Cream Cookie is actually the Mighty Dark Cacao Himself

"Pity You all, the last time I've heard, He is actually originally from the Dark Cacao Kingdom"
Dark Choco states with flat voice

Making all the Cookies in the room went silent

"... You're voice when You talking like that are actually already almost the same as Dark Cacao-"
Golden Cheese mumbled

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