the reunion

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~Oreo Cre- Ehem, Dark Cacao POV~

I put the jam on My pocket, throw My damaged eye patch because it itchy and then I turned back to look on Their 'funny' faces

"Oreo Crea-.. No wait.. DARK CACAO COOKIE?!"
Pure Vanilla shockingly yelled
He stand up and ran towards Me, but I still haven't turned the shield off yet, so He got stopped by the shield
While Dark Choco tried to stand up and do the same thing as Pure Vanilla did

I then sigh

"Sit still and wait here, I will search for help, do not waste Your left over energies just to chase Me down."

I said then I ran away to search some help and leaving Dark Choco's sword behind

I know when I got too far away from the place I made the shield, the shield will be gone, but hopefully They'll stay there until I got back

I searched around to search some cookies
But I found clotted cream instead
Idk how many Cookies I have hate in the past-

Well either I like or not, I must go to Him to ask Him for helping Them
So I did
Well, let's just said it never actually so.. 'smooth'

"Consul Clotted Cream Cookie!"
I yell as I ran to Him

He hear My call and turns around while Financier Cookie also behind Him

"Oreo.. Cream Cookie.., so You actually live in the Vanilla kingdom instead of in Your own home, Cremé Republic?"
Clotted Cream spat out

Geeze it isn't My fault that I woke up when already on Vanilla kingdom
But even though with so, I cannot waste time with blabbering around
Plus, this republic or Vanilla Kingdom aren't really My real home

"Consul Clotted Cream Cookie, I am asking for Your help to help My Friends to aid Their injures"
I said ignoring His question

".. why don't You just said so?, Let's go, Financier Cookie, go search Our healers to aid the important guest first"
Clotted Cream speak out

"And You, Oreo Cream Cookie, I will gonna make You to live back in here, this place the best defenders are only You"
Clotted Cream added whispering to Me

But I didn't bothered by it that much, since all of His threat are not even close to scaring Me in

Not long after Financier Cookie ran back with the healers, so We got to the others

I can see that Dark Choco was laying upside down on Pure Vanilla's lap crying while Pure Vanilla calming Him down

He's the Father role that Dark Choco always wanted doesn't He?...
Maybe it's the best if I leave Them for now and will explaining things to Them later when They're all healed up..

I could tell They become very closed because of My disappearance, well, I didn't complaining about it, I mean, Dark Choco got His parental figure He's been wanted, and I'm glad for it.
Though, it guilts Me that the type of that parental, are not Me or My type..

What could I said
Sometime A child that grow up without any lightest attention or love will get confused on how to be a much better parents for Their child than Their own Parents
But it also depend by how Your Environment treated You and Your choices, and I could said, I make a pretty damned choices back then..

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