an unknown meet up?

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~Third person POV~

~with Oreo Cream Cookie~

"Ugh, great, let's just hope Pure Vanilla won't haunting Me with His "it's a good day to take a walk" speech, it's annoying-" mumbled Oreo Cream Cookie getting ready for the day

"Father, there's a letter said that the ruler of Dark Cacao kingdom had to go to the Vanilla kingdom since, You said I'm taking the lead of Your kingdom, I'm asking Your opinion, should I go?" Suddenly a voice appeared on His head

'... Yeah, I think You should, leave Caramel Arrow in charge for the castle and bring Crunchy chip cookie with You' He thought to answer His Child's voice

"Alright, Father"

Oreo Cream Cookie sighing
"Now, I may gonna meet My son again but, He prob don't know Me-"
He mumbled He look at the time, it's showing 1 PM, that means He still got times then continue on getting ready

Minutes later when He is finished, He took a glance of Himself at the mirror again

He stood there silently looking at His reflection

His reflection then changed into His old self, and like trying to say something to Him
Weird isn't it?, He doesn't even know if it just His hallucinations or it really happening

He then shook His head and sigh

"Quit it Cacao.., if You always like this You'll never going to be better and You'll always be stuck at Your old act.." He mentally scolding Himself

He look from the mirror to see His hair that poorly tied up

'.. maybe braiding My hair are going to help Me calm down..' He thought to Himself and untie His hair to started brushing His hair first


Minutes after His hair are brushed He starting to braiding His own hair
It was kind of Hard to braided His own hair, He don't blame it, He usually used to do a braided hair, but not on his own hair, it's usually either Caramel Arrow's or Dark Choco's when They're still at Young age

2 hours and a few minutes He finally finished
He not really satisfied about how it turned out but He just shrugged it off

It really helping Him calming down anyway, just like the old time He did the braided hair on the children

He sigh then look at the time again
It's now 3 PM, well almost 4 PM

So He stand up, He remember that He have His own dagger that Brown Waffle mentioned about
He goes to the table beside the mattress, it's there, so He grabbed it and slide it in His waistband behind

He now finished and started to go to Pure Vanilla's chamber

He arrived at the Pure Vanilla's chamber and start knocking on the door then wait for Pain Vanilla Cookie to opened the door

Pure Vanilla finally opened the door after a minute

"Oh Hey, Oreo Cream Cookie!, Glad to see You can make it!" Said Pure Vanilla noticing Oreo Cream

"Of course, King Pure Vanilla" replied Oreo Cream doesn't know what to said

"Well, come inside, let's wait inside for the others to come"
Said Pure Vanilla to Oreo Cream

Oreo Cream that just nodded with what Pure Vanilla said and come inside of Pure Vanilla's chamber

They're now sitting on the sofa with silent up in the air

"So, how is Your day, Oreo Cream Cookie?" Said Pure Vanilla breaking the silence

"I'm okay.. I guess, thanks for Your concern, Your highness" He replied

"Ahahaha, no need to be so formal!, Make Yourself comfortable, also, just called Me Pure Vanilla if You wished too" said Pure Vanilla with slightly waving His hand to Oreo Cream

Oreo Cream Cookie shook His head "no can do, Your highness, I'll try to get comfortable though.." He said

"Ahh, alright then" Pure Vanilla replied

Oreo Cream then look outside from the window, He took the glance for a while, to be honest He kind of like the View

"Braiding Your hair I see?" Pure Vanilla said noticing the hair plus to start another conversation so They don't just sit there in an awkward situation

"Hmm?, Oh yeah.., I noticed that My hair are poorly tied up so I decided to braided it" Oreo Cream replied forcing a smile, but He didn't telling that He don't do it for looks, but He do it to calmed Himself down

(Psst psst, this is how His braided hair looks like)

(Psst psst, this is how His braided hair looks like)

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"I see, but it looks good on You!" Pure Vanilla happily said

"I don't know if it was a compliment or to mocking My weirdly made braided hair, but thank You I guess Your highness" Oreo Cream said

'He does remind Me of Him...'
"Ahaha-, sorry if You thought it that way, but it does look good on You!' Pure Vanilla said again

"Ahh, thank You again, Your highness" He said looking at Pure Vanilla and forced a smile before He look back again to the window

(Pardon Me, I had P.E. today, but My headache is killing Me-, so, I'm sorry if this chapter or the next chapter are not going to make any sense- TvT)

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