the conversations

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(⁠•⁠ ⁠▽⁠ ⁠•⁠;⁠)

pls enjoy the Story?-
(I guess-)

~third person POV~

In the entire meeting Oreo Cream was quiet, no Cookies except Dark Choco has noticing it, And it kind of bothered Dark Choco

~Oreo Cream Cookie's POV~

I thought as I keep silent and not paying any attention to the consul meeting at all

I feel like My mind starting to playing tricks on Me again as I slowly drifting away and ends up in My own mind again

I sigh, I honestly feel slight annoyed by the events that happened or are going to happened, but, I still have to act the role, I don't know why I'm not ready yet to reveal Myself to the others

In My own vocaloid mind, I sat down, staring blankly at the endless void, feel blank.. isn't a new experience for Me

Then suddenly something went through in My mind

'... Dark.. Choco.. Cookie...'
It's been so long as We Interact physically as Father and Son and not as Vanillian defender guard and... Dark Cacao Kingdom...
I wonder if He changes the name of the Kingdom or not

"Yes Father?, You're calling Me?"

His Voice caught Me off guards, I think I have been accidentally connecting telepathic into His mind without My realizations..

I quiet for a while, wondering what should I say to Him

"You know Father.. I might now that You are not dead as the Soul Jam holder are immortal but with each of It's own way"

He spoke, I never thought that He would read the book until the end..

'I.. see, You has been read all of the pages on the book?'
I replied with a slight questioning tone

"Yes I have, the book tools My interest to learn more about Yours and the other ancients soul Jam, tell Me though, in the book, there were written a 'myth' about Your Soul Jam, The light of resolutions are the one of the 2 uniquest way of all the 5 soul jam about immortality, as when the Jam holder crumbled, Their soul Jam sent Their soul into a body that the soul jam itself made... Is.. Is that right?.."
He said

I could tell He is kind of Hesitating on the last sentence

'Yes, that's right My boy, the soul Jam that known as the light of resolutions way to make the soul Jam holder immortal going to be like that, is there anything You wanted to asked My boy?'
I answered

"Well.. Kind of.., You know.. I never.. apologies to You properly.."
He said and that make Me confused

'what Do You mean My boy?, You know that I'm never mad at You right?.., all the thing You do are because of that stupid cursed sword doing'
I exclaimed from what I have realized before I passed away from My past dough

"That's the thing Dad!, If I were listen to You that day to came home early and not exploring far away from the citadel, I will never gonna encountered the stupid sword!, If I also weren't going out from the citadel from the first place!, I just-"

I rudely cut Him off
I might not be good at either Parenting or emotions, but I hate to heard from My own mind that My own Son, blaming Himself for all the events that happening, even though the things that happened back then mostly because of My own actions

I have realized, that back then He acted like that just to seek His real purpose and inner self, and taking a slight brake from all the pressure I put on His shoulder

I even got too busy with duties and doesn't have time just to appreciate all the thing He has done or at least just to saying
"I am proud of You"
"I love You..."

'Do not Blame. Yourself for all of the things that happened. It was not entirely Your faults...'

I silent for a while realizing it was not His fault at all, it's all was from My own faults, I was the one who to blame from all the things that has happened

'what am I saying, it was not Your faults at all, it never be Your faults, You're just a kid that trying to seek and knowing Your own self and paths, You are really curious back then, and it's all are normal for a child to act that way..'

I went silent again

'so do not blame Yourself for it, it'll never help anything in Your life, it'll just going to make you suffer and isolate Yourself from the problem instead of dealing and fixing all of it. Don't be stupid, boy'
The last few words slipped out from My mouth

"... I thought You are not My Father, but By the last words, I have reliefs that You are actually My Father all along"
He said with a slight chuckles followed behind

How He is  really have the urged to kind of jokes around at conversation like this-

"But.. thank You for all of the words.. Though.. I wonder.., again, I wanted to apologies physically and properly from all of the trouble I've caused You in the past.. so.. will I ever going to meet You again?.."

'I see.., if You insist then, maybe, one day, We'll be able to meet eachother again, but until that day come, You have to be patient, My Boy.'
I replied

Well, technically He already meet Me, and talk directly to Me but, He doesn't know that I am Dark Cacao in another.. appearance

"But.. if so.. how am I going to know that the day has finally come?..., How will I know if.. I might have already met You but just.. didn't know or.. realized about it yet.."

Right... How is He gonna know that if He finally met Me?..
I mean He might already have, but still, I can't reveal it now..














'one day My boy.. one day, You'll know and You will understand it all.'

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