Please Don't Leave Me.

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Kyungsoo's POV:
I called EXO to an important meeting.
" I-I Have something to say.. "
Suho: " Say it Kyungsoo. " " It's about Kian.. " Baekhyun: " We already know.. " " What? Everyone knew besides me? "
Xiumin: " Kian wanted to tell you personally. " " I want to do something special for Kian.. before- before I send her off to the states.. " Kai: " Your sending her back? " " Why can't I? " " She's not gonna go Kyungsoo. " " Maybe she won't listen to you but she'll listen to me. " Chen: " Stop it, You two. Never fight over one girl. " Kai: " She was mine to begin with. " " It doesn't matter, she's with me now, and nothing's gonna change. "

Kian's POV:
I woke up and got ready for the SMTOWN vacation with the whole company. I packed my things and as I left Kyungsoo came and helped me with my stuff. The SM family gathered before we all left. Girls Generation, F(x), Shinee, Red Velvet, Super Junior, all my Sunbae-nim's were there. Kyungsoo: " Let's go! Come with us. "
he grabbed my hand. and dragged me to the car. Kai: " It's been a while. "
" Oh ye-yes. " " how have you been? " " much better. " Kyungsoo glared at Kai. " Get in. " I got in the car with the members. It was kind of awkward since I was the only girl there.. " I'm sorry for all the trouble I've caused. " Suho: " No, your like a little sister to us already. Well besides to Kyungsoo and um Kai. " Baekhyun: " Just be comfortable around us. " " Thank you. " Chanyeol: " This is a 2 hour drive right? " Lay: " No 3 Hours. " I glanced at Kyungsoo who seemed to be deep in thoughts.. I rested my head on his shoulder & fell asleep.

Kyungsoo's POV:
I looked at Kian and saw her asleep on my shoulder. I swept her hair away from her face. Chen: " When is Kian going back? " " Soon. " I replied. Suho: " Do you think The Company's just gonna let one of their newbie go? She just debuted 5 months ago. " " Trust me. " Next thing I knew I fell asleep.

Tao: " Kyungsoo! Wake up we're here! " I woke up glanced at Kian who was still asleep. I gently woke her up. " Kian, Kian. We're here. " As we got out of the car we felt fresh breeze. " No reporters, no fans, no cameras, no schedule. Feels nice "
" It's only been 5 months since you debuted. " " Yeah.. I forgot what this feels like. " We went to our rooms to unpack, while Everyone was at the campfire drinking soju. The members, Kian & I were isolated from the rest. We made our own campfire. Lay: " Anyone up to drink? " The members yelled in happiness. " Cheers! " Chen: " Wow Kian, you like to drink? " " ye-yes. " " Don't drink too much it's not good for you. " " Kyungsoo, please just for one night. "

After 2 hours, The members were completely drunk. Chanyeol: " Kian are you drunk? Are you okay? " " Me? No, I'm very good at at drinking. I can never get drunk. " She started tearing all of a sudden. " Guys, I don't want to go back to the states. I wanna live normally. I don't want to leave you guys especially Kyungsoo.. And KAI! YOU! We just reunited how dare you not call me or visit me when I was at the hospital? Jerk! Jerk! " " Kian, I think your drunk. lets take you back. " " Kyungsoo, I don't want to leave. Please beg my mom. I'd rather- " She gaged
" Kian? " She puked on the ground. Luckily missed my shoes. I carried her to her dorm. As I put her down she grabbed my hand. " Kyungsoo, don't leave me. " I stare at her. For a moment, I was gonna change my mind, but i knew it was the right thing to do.

365 Days with You. 당신과 함께 3백65일. (EXO Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now