Closer. ( Chapter 4 )

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Kian's POV:

I was at home packing my things to move to the new dorm. Yuri: " Yah, what am I supposed to do without you? " Me: " I'll still see you! " Mom: " Kian, you better not skip meals, if you do I'm pulling you out of that Company! " Me: " You guys act like i'm leaving! I'm not, i'm just gonna see you guys less often. Bye! I Love you guys! " Yuri: " Text me! " Mom: " Call me okay? " Me: " Yeah, Bye! " I got on a taxi with my luggage and things and went to my new dorm. What will it be like? Will new trainees like me too? I wonder what my future is like now. Thoughts and thoughts, next thing I knew I was over thinking and didn't realize that I was already there. I payed the taxi driver and went in. When I walked in, I saw Kyungsoo, was he waiting for me? Probably not.. We're not even that close. Kyungsoo: " Annyong Kian! Welcome to the SM Family! " Me: " Haha, Khamsamida Kyungsoo! " At least I got a warm welcoming as soon as I walked in. Kyungsoo: " Do you know where your dorm is? " Me: " Yup! " Kyungsoo: " Do you need help with your luggage? " Me: " No, that's oka- " Before I could finish my sentence the luggage fell, along with my bag. Wow, great timing! That's so embarrassing!-.- Kyungsoo laughed. I've never heard him laugh before. My heart was beating so fast.. My palms were sweating. What is this feeling? I ignored this feeling and I laughed along with him. Me: " Haha, sure. Thanks Kyungsoo. " Kyungsoo: " Anytime, just lead the way to your dorm! "

Kyungsoo's POV:

Baekhyun: " Hey, isn't the new Trainee coming to the dorm today? "

Kai: " Yup, we have a new SM Family member. " Chanyeol: " Kyungsoo, why don't you help her out today? "

Me: " Why me?! " Chen: " Because, your the closest to her. " Me: " I'm not even that close with her! " Sehun: " Get to know her then! Goodluck Hyung! " Honestly I wanted to see her and talk to her and ask her how she's doing.. It was just a feeling.. Should I bring balloons? Cake? Or is that going a bit to overboard. Wait, why am I so nervous? It's just a new trainee. As she walks in, my palms we're sweating. I must be crazy.. Me: " Hey Kian! " Kian: " Annyeong Kyungsoo! " Me: " Welcome to the SM Family! " I gave her a good welcoming, then helped her with her luggage. When we got to the elevator it got all awkward. Maybe I should break the silence? Me: Um, Have you eaten? " Kian: " Not yet, I just woke up not to long ago to pack my things. Did you? " Me: " Oh, I haven't either. " Kian: " Want to Join me for lunch? " My heart was pounding.. What the heck?! It's just lunch! Me: " Sure! " Floor 5, that's EXO's floor.. Kian: " Here's the floor! I'm like all the way at the end. " Me: " Oh, haha that's- that's where I am too.. " Kian: " Oh.. looks like were gonna see each other often, do you have a roommate? " " Yeah, Kai. Do you know him? " " I've heard of him. but, to be honest I didn't know who you guys were before I saw you at the airport. " " Oh, that's okay. I'll introduce you to the members later. " Once we got to her room we set all her luggage down and went for lunch. We ate at a cafe, wow she eats a lot. I find that really cute about her. Kian: " I heard you can cook! " Me: " Just a little haha. " " Well, I'm not a very good cook. Wanna help me improve? " " Of course! I'll cook for you sometimes! " Me: " So, how's your mom and dad when you told them you were gonna be an SM Trainee? " " My Mom was proud of me! She said she would encourage me in whatever I'd do. " " That reminds me of my parents when I became an SM Trainee.. What about your dad? " Kian: " My.. my dad passed away when I was 15 years old. " Me: " Oh, i'm sorry.. I'm sure you've had a lot of great memories with him! " Kian: " I had an Infinity bracelet that held our memories.. I kinda lost it.. " That was her bracelet! I'd better return it soon. We talked and talked, and we got closer that day. At the end of the day we exchanged numbers and went back to the dorm.

Kian's POV:

I've never been close to a guy before. Kyungsoo has a cute personality. Just in a day you can tell he's a loyal and caring man. When we got back at the dorm Kyungsoo introduced me to the members. They also threw me a little celebration for welcoming me to the SM Family. Those guys are so sweet. When it was done, I helped clean with Chanyeol, Chen, Suho and Kyungsoo. Chanyeol: " I heard your at our floor! Looks like we'll see each other a lot! " Me: " Yeah, I hope you guys take care of me!^ " Suho: " I hope you feel welcome and practice hard Kian! Fighting! " After we cleaned up, Kai and Kyungsoo walked me to my room which was next to their's. Kai: " Goodnight Kian! See you tomorrow! " Kyungsoo: " Goodnight! " Me: " Goodnight! " I flashed a smile at them and went in. Wow, I didn't even unpack yet, I unpacked until 1 in the morning. I placed bed sheets, organized my stuff .and checked my schedule until 2. I look over at my phone to see I got a text message:

2:05: Asleep? I can't fall asleep-_-


2:06: Did I wake you? Was I being too loud? Sorry!


2:06: No, for just some reason I can't fall asleep.


2:07: Want to-Um go to the balcony and get some fresh air with me?


2:08: I'll meet you there!


I rushed to the balcony. When I opened the door, I saw that he wasn't there yet. Man it's cold why am I only wearing shorts and a Tee Shirt? I was startled after hearing Kyungsoo opening the door. Me: " You scared me! " Kyungsoo: " Sorry! I had to grab a blanket. It's cold outside! " " Why are you only wearing shorts and a tee shirt? Here. " Kyungsoo wrapped the blanket around me. I felt warm already. Me: " Your gonna get a cold! " Kyungsoo: " I'm fine. " I went beside him and wrapped the blanket around us. Kyungsoo: " Thank you. " Why did I do that?! AISH. I should've just given him the blanket. I'm not even cold anymore.. Kyungsoo: " Are you ready for your first day of practice tomorrow? " Me: " Of course! " Kyungsoo: " You should be sleeping. You need to rest. " Me: " Your the one who needs to rest. You have a lot of schedules planned for tomorrow. " Kyungsoo: " I can't seem to fall asleep. "

Kyungsoo's POV:

I'm sweating.. Why is this blanket still around me? Should I take it off? She's gonna think, I don't like her or something! Aish.. Why is my heart beating so fast? It's so quiet.. Why am I so nervous right now? I look to Kian, who as already asleep. Haha, She's so cute. Her head was falling back. I let her head lean on my shoulder. I stare at her for a moment. She's, really pretty under all this moonlight. Should I sleep too? I want to stay here though and stay like this for some reason. After 30 minutes of staying like this I should probably sleep. I got up carefully to make sure Kian doesn't wake up. I wrapped the blanket around her and carried her up and in the building. I was outside her room. Oh my goshh, what's her room password?! Aishh! I set her down at the couch of the living room and entered my room. I woke Kai up. " Kai! Kai! Kian, fell asleep on the- um couch and I don't know her password for her room! " " Humm? " " KAI! " " Okay! Okay! I'll leave and she can lay down on your bed and you can sleep on mine okay? " " But, Kai- " " Your welcome. " " Thanks Kai! " I went back to the living room and carried Kian and put her on my bed. I tucked her in and I noticed that she's sweating? I touch her forehead, wow it was really hot. She has a fever! I should've kept her warmer! I grabbed a moist towel and laid it on her fore head. I held her hand and sat beside the bed. Until 4 in the morning. Next thing I knew I fell asleep.

A/W: Thank you for reading my Story! Tell me what you think of it so far? I'll Update soon! Thank you for reading!~ EXO Fighting!

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