Thank you, Also Sorry..

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Kian's POV:
I woke up and checked the time 12:38am?! I quickly got up and got changed and got ready. I quickly grabbed my purse and left. I repeatedly pressed the elevator button. Should I just take the stairs? Does that count as my morning work out considering I have to run down 10 floors. Just then the elevator doors opened. I walked inside and pressed the main lobby. Just as the elevators closed Chanyeol walked in. "Oh Kian-ah Anyeong!" "Anyeong Chanyeol-Sunbaenim." "What the heck Kian, no need to call me Sunbaenim, your already like family to us. Just call me Oppa." Oppa? I remembered Tae Kyung Sunbae.. I Wonder how his condition is.. The elevator ride was awkward, I was only close to Kai and Kyungsoo but not the rest of the members. "Kian, do you remember?" "What oppa?" I asked. "Your Memories.." "How did you know? " with a shocked face. "You're wearing the neckless Kyungsoo gave you." "Oh.. Yeah." The elevator doors opened. "Annyeong Oppa, I'll see you later!"

I was on the set of "I Remember You." Getting my makeup done, I wasn't so sure If I could act in front of Kyungsoo.. "Kian-ah, Can you practice the first scene with me?" It was Kim Soo Hyun Sunbae. "Sure Sunbae."
We got serious and started scene 1.
"Do.. you remember?"
"How did-"
"Your neckless.. Your wearing it.."
I was getting too into it, This was so similar to what Chanyeol Oppa & I were talking about today.. I quickly snapped out of it
"Sorry Sunbae.. I got too Into it."
"That's good, don't stop okay?"

Kyungsoo's POV:
Scene 1 was filmed in an airport, The sight was surrounded with fans.
Kian walked up to me: "Why?" "I feel uneasy." All she could say to me at the moment was.. "Fighting!" I quickly got into my place: "1..2..3 Action!!"


I got to the dorm exhausted.. but i knew I finally had to settle this with kai, I didn't want to fight with my deongsang any more."I take it back, I Realized I can't let go of her." "Kyungsoo, you can't just play around with her feelings like its some kind of toy. You think your making her Happy? No, do you know how much tears she's wasted because of you?" His words flustered me. "Kai, I won't let her go anymore. You'll find someone else someday but, this one is mine. Do you think you're fated to be with one another just because you guys were old friends?" "Kyungsoo, stop speaking with harsh words." "Kai, We can't fight over one girl.. In the end it's going to be you that's going to be hurt."

I quickly left the dorm, I inhaled in and out. Starting today I was going to fix things, the way they need to be.

Kai's POV:
I sat on the rooftop watching the streets of Seoul. "Oppa." I turned around to see Seohyun calling me.
"Yeah?" I answered. "Is there something wrong?" Without a an answer I coldy walked away.
"Oppa! I LIKE YOU!" I turned around shocked with the worst she yelled out loud." "I LIK-" Before she could finish I quickly ran up and covered her mouth.
"Are you even a girl? How can you say that so easily?!" I released my hand ofd her mohth. "It's been a while actually, I didn't know you like Kian this much."
"Ye-yeah." I flustered. "Oppa, Will you go out with me?" "Seohyun-ah, you know what the press will say right?" "So your rejecting me?" "Yes." She quickly walked away, I knew she felt embarrassed. Why did have to turn out this way.. I felt pity for her... So I stopped her. "Guys are supposed to ask the girls out. So Seohyun, will you go out with me?"

Kyungsoo's POV:

My phone rang, it was the hospital. I know I was kind of a bit crazy giving the hospital my phone number for that jerk.

"It's an Emergency!"

I quickly hung up and went to hospital. Before I could come.. I was too late... I watched him slowly die, as they do CPR on him. Nurse: "You can't be in here right now." I waited outside holding my breath, "Clear." I quickly heard a beeping sound I released my breath. The doctors walked out with a sad expression.. I knew that he was gone.. Doctor: "Sorry, he didn't make it. We monitored him within the past 64 hours and he was still in the coma. I'm deeply sorry.."

I was shocked, flustered. Even though I wasn't close to him I knew what Kian was going to do...

"Kyungsoo! What Happened?! I received a call! Saying it was an emergency!" What to do.. It was Kian. If I told her now she'd totally break down. My expression gave it away. She quickly ran inside seeing him under the covers.. "Oppa, are you okay now?" Tears rolled down my eyes. I felt pity for Kian.. Knowing she was going to lose it I quickly held onto her. "Kyungsoo.. He's okay right? He's just sleeping right?" I couldn't respond.. I knew what I had to say but, I just couldn't say it. "Kyungsoo.. Respond to me." "Lets go back.." I felt her tears drops falling on my shoulder.. "I told you not to cry didn't I?" She released our hug and took off the blanket on him..

She fell down, suddenly loosing her leg strength. "Kian.." She Cried and cried in my arms. "I'm sorry, Tae Kyung Sunbae.. I didn't get the chance to say Thank you... and Sorry to you.. So i'll say it before you go.. Thank you, You were the only one who helped me for 3 years.. and sorry-" She chocked on her own tears, I was heartbroken.. I couldn't do anything but just stand still and watch Kian in Pain. "And sorry, This happened.. Because of me, you lost your life.. I promise I will see you again one day. Thanks Tae Kyung Sunbae. Goodbye.."

Authors Note:
Sorry this chapter was kinda boring! I'll make the next one better!^.^
Also sorry for not Updating in a while, I've been working on a new story! Please Anticipate for it!~~~~

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