Theories at 3am

468 7 9

Bambi: People say "hyperfixate" but what does it mean?

Bandu: What?

Bambi: Does it mean "fix the hyper"?

Bandu: What the hell? No, it means "being extremely obsessed with something or someone to the point of not managing to focus"

Bambi: What is the "hyper"?

Bandu: What are you saying?

Bambi: Is it the infinite space?

Bandu: It's 3am go to sleep!

Bambi: Are we able to explore it?

Bandu: Shut up!

Bambi: What could it contain?

Bandu: Stop texting!

Bambi: Is it really infinite?


FastCandEEz is offline

Bambi: What's the meaning of "infinite"?

[DATA_EXPUNGED] banned 🌽 mybeloved

Expunged: Finally, goodnight

The next day

Dave: Bambi had an existential crisis again?!!! Where is him?

Expunged: I banned him

Dave: ...

Bandu: I can confirm

Smoke🌿everyday is online

Banjex: Heyo! Sorry for the delay, what's going on?

Bandu: Read above

Banjex: Little dude really started being a philosopher

Bandu: At 3am! Fucking. 3am.

Banjex: Everything normal

Bandu: WHAT?!

Banjex: There are nights when I'm up at 4am doing weed and blasting music like yesterday

Bandu: What is weed?

[DATA_EXPUNGED] banned Smoke🌿 everyday

Expunged: It's nothing

Bandu: Ok

Dave: I'm gonna re-invite them

🌽 mybeloved joined the group

Smoke🌿 everyday joined the group

Banjex: Rude!

Smoke🌿 everyday is offline

Bambi: I'm making up a new theory about hyperfixation tonight. Who wants to hear it? :D

Everyone is offline

Bambi: :(

Be different and be yourself!

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