🎅🏻Christmas special🎅🏻

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Our super duper ultra iper mega heroes are spending Christmas at the Stylish Gods house. Yay! What could possibly go wrong?

Bandu: Nothing because it's Christmas! :D

Expunged: Stop narrating the chapter!

Bandu: But-

Expunged: That's the author's job!

Bandu: I want to do it for once!

Expunged: You can't!

The brothers keep arguing over who has the job to narrate the chapter *cough* which is mine *cough*

Let's go to the living room...

Dave: Finally we have a moment to stay together and have fun

Bambi: You threatened to set my farm on fire if I didn't come -_-

Dave: Fuck you Bambi! *gunpoints a cob* Suck my dick! >:(

Bambi: O_O

An awkward silence fills the room

Dave: What?

Bamberly: Did he just...?

Bampal: He actually-

Bambi: CUSSED! :D

Dave: *realizes* Wait! I didn't me-

Bambi: It's the destiny! :D

Dave: It's not!

Bambi: I'm so proud of you! :D

Dave: Please stop...

Bambi: Welcome to the dark side! *takes a selfie with Dave* I'm gonna keep it forever

Dave: *facepalms* Seriously?

Let's go to the kitchen...

Bamburai: This eggnog looks boring

Banjex: How about we add some pistachio powder to make it look better?

Bamburai: Sure! *searches among things and finds some green powder* How much should we put?

Banjex: Uhm...dunno

Bamburai: Who cares? *puts it all* No one will mind

Little did they know that wasn't pistachio powder...

Let's go somewhere else...

Brobgonal: Do you think this song would go?

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