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A/N: The song you see up here ☝🏽is made by me. NOW LET'S GOOOOOOO!

Bambi: I had a cool dream last night!

Ringi: Was it about corn?

Bambi: Even better!
I was tall!!!!!!!

Ringi: Wait are you serious?

Bambi: Yes!
And I also had the ability to do super jumps and causing explosions by sneezing

Ringi: XD

Bambi: What about you?

Ringi: I was an NFT seller
A nightmare basically

Bambi: Oh

FastCandEEz and Trisfighter9 are online

Tristan: Hey

Bandu: What'cha talking about? :D

Ringi: Dreams we had last night

Tristan: Heh last night I dreamed about being Godzilla

Bandu: :0

Tristan: I was giant, powerful and crushed everything
It was so fun!

Bambi: And you, Bandu?

Bandu: One word: David

Bambi: What did he do?

Bandu: He jumped off a cliff
He deserves that

Bambi: Yet you were the non-violent one

Bandu: I'm a chaos god
What did you expect?

Ringi: :/

Bambi: :/

Tristan: :/

AlgebraMoggus and Bluelightning are online

Bampal: Are you talking about dreams?!! :DDD

Tristan: Yes :)

Bampal: I dreamed about using clouds as trampolines

Bandu: !!!!!!! :0

Bambi: Great dream

Tristan: That's so cool!!!

Dave: God I love trampolining :D

Bampal: ^_^

Ringi: You're lucky
I had a terrible nightmare

Bampal: Is selling NFTs really that bad?

Ringi: YES!

Bampal: Oh

Dave: Anyway my dream was pretty basic
I was falling

Bambi: Just falling?

Dave: Just falling

Tristan: Was there anything at the bottom?

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