How to NOT be non-kinky

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A/N: There is demented nsfw. Feel uncomfortable/don't want to read = skip the chapter. NOW LET'S GOOOOOOO!

Banjex: Yesterday was cool yet weird

Ringi: Did you find a baby unicorn?

Banjex: They don't exist

Ringi: life is a lie ಥ⁠_⁠ಥ

Banjex: What?

Ringi: My dreams...all shattered ಥ⁠_⁠ಥ

Banjex: Dude?

Ringi: I want to cry... ಥ⁠_⁠ಥ

Banjex: C'mon dude, you'll survive

Ringi: But without unicorns it isn't the same .⁠·⁠'⁠¯⁠'⁠(⁠>⁠▂⁠<⁠)⁠'⁠¯⁠'⁠·⁠.

Banjex: There are way better things than horned horses, like your lil sis

Ringi: ...I guess you're right

Banjex: However yesterday was nice and unusual
I was with Bamburai and Bamberly at the mall
We were looking for screws, nails and things like that cuz we want to build a boat

Ringi: A boat?

Banjex: We want to invade poland :)

Ringi: I'm not gonna ask...

Banjex: We were looking at the drills
Bamburai asked "Which one do we need?" and I answered in a way I would have never thought of

Ringi: Like a normal person and pointing the one you needed?

Banjex: I replied "For my ass this one will fit" and pointed the biggest drill

Ringi: ...wut?

Banjex: It was their same reaction
I laughed and kept telling them I was joking

Ringi: Were there people?

Banjex: Yes

Ringi: What did they do...?

Banjex: They stared at me like I was crazy

Ringi: You don't say? (⁠눈⁠‸⁠눈⁠)

Banjex: It was just a joke, c'mon!
However we were so embarrassed that we left

Ringi: I had no doubts

Banjex: Whateves we were walking away
There was an excruciating silence
I decided to break the ice by saying "Sure that drill looked hard like a medal"

Ringi: WTF

Banjex: They slapped me non-stop

But it was worth it :D

Ringi: If saying kinky stuff to your friends after embarrassing them in a mall for the same exact reason is worth it then...idk

Banjex: We got home and started doing some mental designs for our boat

Ringi: Looks fun

Banjex: We came up with the craziest and most aesthetic ideas

Ringi: Aesthetic?
Oh right, you're the Stylish Gods after all :)

Banjex: Aesthetics are important!

Ringi: What desingns have you imagined?

Banjex: A lot of things
From a viking boat with katanas as oars, a cat as bow and a replica of my leg as mainmast to a rubik-cube-like boat with a star as sail
From a cloud-like boat with a lava engine to a future-styled boat that moves in the air

Ringi: You guys really have a great imagination!
You should add a unicorn horn laser!

Banjex: Good idea
After that crazy brainstorming I came with another stylish idea
A boat with a dick-shaped cannon

Ringi: Bro, you could've hold that back

Banjex: It really gives a powerful and threatening aura

Ringi: I'm more afraid of what that cannon fires...

Banjex: It fires molten white metal balls

Ringi: That sounds wrong...very wrong

Banjex: After exposing the smart idea
Let's just say I couldn't hear the end of it

Ringi: Imagine being scolded by people who are younger than you, couldn't be me

Banjex: I was just being fun!
They don't say "Gettin' freaky on a friday night" for no reason

Be different and be yourself!

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