
18 1 2

WARNING: Ass and implications of nsfw

Feeling uncomfortable = skipping/leaving/anything that isn't reading this chapter

Now enjoy!!!


Dave: GUYS!!! GUYS!!!

. . .

Dave: Is there anyone?

. . .

Dave: Please

. . .

Dave: Alright
Let's try this

Everyone is online

Dave: Dang that really works

Bamburai: Why did you summon us?

Dave: I wanted to show you something
Have you ever realised of having a lot potential and then wasting it in something useless because yes?

Bamburai: Uhh

Bandu: What is "potential"?

Dave: 💀
Anyways it's a thing me and Muko worked on

Bambi: I thought you quitted being a scientist

Dave: I did
I'm just having some fun

Bandu: Show us!
Show us!

Dave: I present you...

Expunged: ...the what?

Dave: An harmless laser beam that enhances your lower assets

Expunged: Is that a new way of saying ass?

Dave: Maybe

Bamberly: What's the utility?
Making people sexier?
Or boosting body positivity?!
That would be great!

Dave: Hehe now you'll see

Expunged: I have so many questions

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Expunged: I have so many questions

Bamberly: ...I wish I hadn't seen that

Bambi: Holy shit
I'm having cake tonight

Dave: I was expecting other reactions but whatev

Brobgonal: How did you convince Muko?

Dave: Boys will be boys

Bambi: Can't argue with that

Brobgonal: Makes sense
So uncontroversial

Bamberly: Now I understand that feeling of having potential and wasting it

Dave: Glad you got it :D

Banjex: You should delete the pic

Dave: Why?

Banjex: I admit, it's really eye candy
REALLY eye candy
But what about the kids?

Dave: ...

Banjex: Be quick!

Dave: I'm trying!

Trisfighter9 and Straw-cute-berry are online


Discord glitches violently and crashes. We gotta thank Expunged for protecting the kids...for once


It's a nice and peaceful night at Bambi's house. Nothing weird is happening...

Bambi: Can I-

Dave: No

Bambi: Please?

Dave: I'm not in the mood

Bambi: Can you at least smother me?

Dave: But-

Bambi: *cute face* Pleaaaaaase?

Dave: Ok I will

Bambi: Yay!

Bambi: Yay!

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Author's note
Ahhh It feels so good to be back. Procrastination is evil. But hey, what matters is uploading, whether it be every day or every 10 years! Now leave a comment and remember

Be different and be yourself!

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