Video call 3

154 3 4

A/N: This chapter contains weird topics that might make you be like "Wtf". If you feel uncomfortable skip the chapter. NOW LET'S GOOOOOOOO!

Everyone is on a video call...again. I don't even say "Nothing will go wrong" cuz even the rocks know the opposite will happen

Ringi: And this is my child adoption certificate

Bamberly: They haven't found you out yet?!

Ringi: Nope, I don't think they will and if they will I'll say it's Expunged's idea

Expunged: If you do it I'll vore you and never vomit you out!

*everyone stares Expunged*

Expunged: What?

Tristan: What is vore?

Dave: N-nothing, he's just telling a joke...for adults

Tristan: Ok

Bandu: 3 minutes on call and everything is already degenerating

Bampal: We should change the group name again, "Drama queens" isn't appropriate anymore

Brobgonal: We should call ourselves "The degenerates"

I'MNOT_AFUCKING_BABY changed the group name from "Drama queens" to "The degenerates"

Brobgonal: Done

Bambom: *with teary eyes* Are we really that bad?

Ringi: No! We're degenerates in a good way, it's a normal thing in friend groups

Bambom: *sniffs* Ok

Banjex: Let's go back to our bs

Tristan: Which stands for?

Banjex: Um...

Dave: *is giving him the "Don't you fucking dare" look*

Banjex: *sweats* stands Socializing! Yeah and it's an expression to identify the best conversations ever

Tristan: Cool!

Bambi: You really risked getting your ass beaten

Banjex: ...

Bambi: I talk from experience

Banjex: How did you survive?

Bambi: I found out to be into it

*everyone stares Bambi*

Bambom: Into what?

Bambi: ...into oblivion, ya know I make up theories

Bamburai: This is becoming cringe

Expunged: It's the whole point of this book's existence

Banjex: opened my mind

Monochrome-eye joined the video call

Recurser: THAT'S OUT OF ORDER!!!

Monochrome-eye is disconnected

Banjex: What?

Dave: Don't mind him, he's just a chaos creature who wants to spread order

Ringi: You talk with weird people

Bampal: Is there someone weirder than us?

Brobgonal: Probably not

Bandu: Curious question

Bambom: We're hearing!

Bandu: We say that some things are normal and others not but are we sure that it works like this?

Bambom: That's...uh...

Bamberly: I've never thought about it...

Dave: If we reflect nothing is normal or weird

Bampal: Now I'm questioning everything: the things I've done, the things I've said...everything!

Bambi: Does that mean I can scream swears without feeling ashamed?

Dave: Wait we didn't mean-

Bambi: If so then

🌽mybeloved is disconnected

*there is silence, an uncomfortable silence. everyone has the "Oh no" look knowing what will happen. soon the bad expected happened, the voice of Bambi screaming various swears echoes in the microphones*

Dave: Let's...just...end it here

Video call ended

Be different and be yourself!

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