Lazyness is the way

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Bampal: I should be getting ready to go out with Zetrus but I'm too lazy

Bamberly: Same bro, same. I have to draw for a commission but heh lazyness is the way

Dave: Isn't that a bit...time-wasting?

Bampal: Nah I'm doing something

Dave: Which is?

Bampal: Doing nothing

Dave: -_-

Bamberly: Esteem for this man!

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Bambi: Sup, what'cha doing?

Bampal: Nothing

Bamberly: Me too

Bambi: Oh I'm doing nothing too

Dave: I thought you were protecting the corn field

Bambi: I was then I got lazy and said "Screw everything"

Dave: Slackers

Bambi: Oh c'mon, it's so great doing nothing

Dave: Don't you feel guilty for procrastinating?

Bamberly: Absolutely not

Bampal: I feel great

Bambi: My mind goes PEACE AND L O V E. And you're the one who talks about procrastinating, last night you were supposed to change the burnt out lamp yet you said "Who cares?"

Dave: We were a romantic moment of course I didn't want to change it

Bambi: Did you do it today?

Dave: No...

Bambi: HA!

Bamberly: He caught you in 4k!

Bampal: Lmao

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Bampal: Aand he's gone

Bambi: It means we won!

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Banjex: Heyyyyy, doing nothing?

Bamberly: Ya

Banjex: Can I join?

Bamberly: Yes

Banjex: feels nice

Bampal: We know right

Banjex: Do I ask Bamburai to join the lazy chat?

Bamberly: He's not much of a procrastinator but try anyway

Some seconds later...

Banjex: I called him 5 times and sent him 300 messages, he doesn't respond

Bamberly: He's probably reading some mangas

Bambi: What? Does he really read that shit?

Bamberly: Yes

Bambi: Pfft- loser

Banjex: At least he's not obsessed with corn

Bambi: DON'T YOU DARE INSULT THE MIGH- meh who cares? Too lazy to stay mad

Author note
I'm too lazy to lengthen the chapter so you get this. Now leave a comment and remember

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