A message for the group

275 6 3

Expunged: @everyone QUICK COME HERE!!!!

Everyone is online

Ringi: What?

Expunged: We have a message from the author!

Expunged: We have a message from the author!

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(Don't mind the fact it's in italian)

Expunged: This book hit 141 reads!!!

Bambi: HOLY SHIT!!!

Dave: It's doing numbers

Expunged: Fun fact: this is the second book that required fewer chapters to reach the milestone

Bambom: Which is the first?

Expunged: I'll tell you later off-page, I don't want to advertise

Banjex: Wanna have a party?

Everyone: Y E S

Bandu: Can I bring candies?

Banjex:  You can bring whatever you want: food, speakers, instruments, nerf guns, corpses. Anything to make it more thrilling

Bambi: I'll bring my electric guitar

Bandu: I'll bring some candies

Tristan: I'll bring my nerf guns

Expunged: I'll bring some dead people

Dave: Are you serious?

Expunged: He said we can bring whatever we want so yes

Ringi: I'll bring some cool songs

Bambom: There's no need, I bet Banjex has a plenty of them

Ringi: Then I'll just share my favourite one



Everyone is offline...probably dead

Author note

hank you so much for your reads. I really didn't think I'd get this far. Now leave a comment and remember

Be different and be yourself!

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