I'm a witch?!

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~Ella pov~
The principle heard all the commotion and sent Percy,Grover, and I to the office.

" I have NEVER in all my years of teaching SEEN such utter DESTRUCTION of PROPERTY and GENERAL DISREGARD FOR THE RULES!"the prinicple snarled, slamming his fists down on the desk,the vein practically popping out of his forehead.

"We didn't do anything-"Percy started but was cut off by the principle throwing a mug against the wall-shattering it into a million pieces.

I'm sure that took Grover ,Percy and I by surprise.

His nostrils flaring , he moved a pointed old ,wrinkly and crooked finger in a slow,creepy sweep from Percy to Me (Grover was in the middle)


He looked like a madman...which was kinda terrifying.

He closed his eyes and brought his wrinkly old hands up to pinch the bridge of his nose.

Percy sensing my discomfort grabbed my hand and gave it a comforting squeeze (which I was kinda thankful for)

"I SHOULD EXPEL ALL THREE OF YOU-"He started but was then cut off by another voice,a voice that I did not recognise.

" LEWIS I think the plumbing is so old that an incident like this was bound to happen", I turned around noticing for the first time a man in a wheelchair.

He had a gleam in his eyes .

"Mr Brunner...do you honestly expect me to believe-"

"Yes"Mr Brunner cut him off again.

"After all we wouldn't want a lawsuit on our hands-"


This Mr Brunner guy seems cool.

"Yes,the children could have been seriously injured by those pipes bursting ,thank goodness it wasn't the geyser that exploded because then the water would have been boiling hot ."

"But I've already contacted the parents ,they are already on their way to collect them-"

"So get them on the phone again,tell them it was a misunderstanding."


"Exactly then how could they be behind it?"


"With that amount of damage in the bathroom if there were culprits they would still be soaked by now,there is no evidence suggesting that these three kids were responsible in any way for this...your case holds no water" Mr Brunner said inadvertently making the best pun that I have ever heard.

"BUT..but...but"the principle spluttered-finally at a loss for words.

Suddenly a knock came from the door and a petite lady with round glasses opened the door and said .

"Sorry to intrude Lewis but the Louise family is here" the woman who I presumed was the receptionist said timidly.

Oh great my family's here already.

First day of school and I've already attracted too much attention.

Great...my parents are gonna kill me before the serial killer does.

Just peachy.

"Right Rose ,send them in ,Percy and Grover if you will please wait outside,Lewis if you would please go make those calls to the other parents so that they don't have to waste their time coming down here f"Mr Brunner said gesturing towards the door.

Lewis just stared at him.

"Afterall...we wouldn't want to have a lawsuit on our hands...don't worry I'll explain the whole misunderstanding to the Louise family" Mr Brunner continued...

Irritated...the Principle and the receptionist walked out the door ,followed by Grover and Percy (who shot me a worried glance before they left)

My parents entered the room...accompanied by Agent Lane...and some old guy with a huge long grey beard...long enough that it could be tucked into his belt...if he were wearing one but instead he wore a ...wait...is that some type of cloak?
He looked very odd and out of place as opposed to my parents and Agent Lane(who were just wearing your standard shirt and jeans)

I wonder why Agent Lane is here.

Did they catch the killer?

Who was the old guy with the beard?

The door was shut and the four of us were left alone with Mr Brunner.

The guy with a beard spoke first "Hello, I am her uncle Dumbledore..." and then he pulled out a stick from behind his back and pointed it at Mr Brunner.

Why is he holding a stick ?


This guy isn't my uncle.

I have no uncles...both of my parents were only children...they didn't have any siblings.

Mr Brunner looked shocked and he started to say "NO WAIT-" but the old man whispered "Obliviate" and a shot of light burst forward from the pointed tip.

Wait what just happened?

"Mr Brunner don't you have a class to get to?"the man who identified himself as Dumbledore said quietly.

Mr Brunner blinked twice (looking extremely confused) and then said slowly "Class...of course I must be on my way" and he left the room.

I looked towards my parents and was shocked to find out they didn't even raise an eyebrow at what had just transpired.

So I decided to voice out "What just happened?"

My mother embraced me in a hug and said "sweety we have been keeping a very big secret from you..." and then the old guy who masqueraded as 'Uncle Dumbledore'(who pretended to be my uncle in order to gain entry to the school) explained how I was a witch and was destined to attend Hogwarts school of Witch Craft and Wizardry.

I thought they were joking..."I mean...me...a witch?"I laughed incredulously.

A mischievous gleam crossed over Dumbledores eyes, he leaned forward and whispered "Haven't you ever made anything happen...anything that you couldn't explain..."

"Like the plumbing bursting in the bathroom" I finished ...finally realising and accepting my fate as a witch

I looked towards my mother and said "Wait so...you guys have...this magic witchcraft stuff too?"

"No..."my father

Dumbledore explained the difference between Pure bloods (both parents are a witch and wizards ),Half-bloods (where only one parent is a witch/wizard),and Muggle-borns( Parents are both normal humans 'muggles' but the child was born with magic thereby making them a witch/wizard)

"So I'm a muggle-born"I asked?

"No honey..I wish that is what we were telling you" my mother said ,tears in her eyes.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"We should've told you this a long time ago sweetheart...we don't know what you are" my dad continued

There was a long pause...nobody daring to speak.

What is happening?

My mother took a deep breath , took my hand in hers and gave it a squeeze before uttering a sentence that would lead to an Earth-shattering realisation,that would forever change the course and direction of my life...shattering everything I knew about my old life in the process...

"We are not your real parents"

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