My Mother

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~Ella pov~

I felt all the blood drain from my face.
What do I do?
I looked at my fellow comrade who looked back me as though he were standing infront of a malicious enemy.
Finding my voice, I slowly took a step towards Grover.
"Listen Grover -I can explain."
"Why are you here?!"Grover snapped as he raised his one crutch to eye level so it was forcing  distance between  him and I.
I gulped. Oh this was not supposed to happen.
Nice going Ella , your first day as a witch and you've already been outed by a muggle.
"Grover...listen-"I said calmingly.
Maybe I could play the robe and wand off as a cosplay outfit.
That left the whole problem of me know...pitching up in a fire-place out of nowhere.
My mind was turning like a clock with no spindle.
Round and Round.
Looking for any,ANY excuse for this.
Maybe I could say it was visual effects?
Yes that's it ,"Listen Grover , this is my outfit for comic-con " ,I began explaning but was swiftly cut off.
"LIAR!"he snapped  ,pushing me back into the wall with his crutch.
He then pointed down to the emblem on my robe "That is the magic wizard and witch place, that is the crest of Hogwarts"
He spat out the word "Hogwarts"  put with so much  disgust and disdain that it made my stomach feel queezy.
"How do you know about Hogwarts?"I asked warily, my throat feeling dry.
"Don't play dumb with me witch!" he growled , before continuing...stringing a sentence together that would leave me even more confused.

"You're here for Percy arn't you?"

I just stared at him , what does
Percy have to do with this?
He's just a muggle.
Your normal every-day...typical run-of-the-mill muggle...with sea-green eyes...and messy brown hair- 
"Arn't  you?!" he screamed , snapping  me out of my irrelavent thoughts.
Get it together Ella!
How does Grover know about Hogwarts?
Was Grover even a muggle?
Why does he think I'm hear for Percy.
"Grover-" I said softly ,trying to diffuse the situation.
"YOUR here to hurt him! I know what your kind is capable of! Wait are there more of you here?!"
"What do you mean-"

"At the school!" He barked angrily, with a crazed look in his eye but he had answered his own question before I could even muster up a single word.
"Thats it isn't it! Your all here to spy on take him down, well not on my watch " and from his pocket he produced a dagger and threw his one crutch to the ground.
Far away I might add...which didn't make sense since he needed them to walk.
Leaning on his other crutch ,he raised the dagger to my throat.
I was shocked.
I felt the cool sharp edge of the blade against the side of throat.
"I am his PROTECTOR and I will do whatever it takes to protect him!"
He pressed the blade harder into my skin...I first felt pain...followed by a trickle of blood starting to run down. 
He had only grazed me, but with that crazed look in his eye...I knew he wanted to finish the job...and I got the sense that he was going to.

"Even if that means killing yo -" He started.
Then one of two things happened.
Suddenly a white light illuminated the room from above me...and he staggered back...before looking up "No, that's impossible " he said looking above me .
Looking up I saw a round silvery ball .
What is happening?
"Your a demi-god too?"Grover squeeked , shifting his gaze back down to me...confused.
Then at that exact moment,somebody with ginger hair came tumbling out of the fire-place.
I watched as the ginger girl with bushy hair stood up and wiped the dust off her robe.
Oh no...why is she here?!
I was inwardly freaking out...trying to come to grips with the gravity of the situation that had transpired.
I felt like I was apart of some  sit-com...where everything goes wrong...the only thing we were missing from the situation was the ridicoulous laugh track.
Hermionie stood up and dusted herself off...turning around coming face-to-face with me...and with Grover who still had a dagger pointed up at me...a few steps away.
"Hey Julia-" she started but then stopped,turning around coming face-to-face with me...and with Grover who still had a dagger pointed up at me...a few steps away.
Before I could even blink , Hermionie aimed her wand at Grover "Pertificus Potalus!" and he fell to the floor, body looking as stiff and umoving as a board.

No! What did she he alive?! 

Hermionie as though reading my mind answered swiftly. 

"Don't worry he's just...stunned."

"Stunned?!" I asked incredulously.

"Yeah...well what was I meant to do? The dude had a knife out and pointed towards you and-" she stopped as she looked at him , her mouth agape.

"He's a Satyr!" 

"A what-er?" I asked even more confused than ever before looking down at Grover.

When he fell ,one of his shoes came off...revealing...I can't believe I'm saying this...a hoof.

Like a hoof you would get on horses, goats or bulls.

There was no human foot.

Hermionie shimmied the bottom of his pant-leg slightly up revealing...what looked like an...animal leg.

It had brown fur on it and everything.

Hermionie turned back to me...seeing my shocked expression.

"Satyrs-I read  all about them in Hogwarts:A History , they were sent as protectors for young demigods...wait...Julia are you...a demi-god?" She asked...but her expression was one of interest...not one of disgust...or betrayal..just one of fascinated curiosity.

A face that was the complete opposite of Grover's.

"I-I-I" I stuttered...not knowing what to say...but Hermionies gaze shifted upwards...above my head.

"What is that? Wait oh my gosh ,you are a demi-god! You've just been claimed! I've read about this! But who does that symbol represent..." Hermionie furrowed her brows,deep in concentration...and  honestly she was so engrossed in what she was thinking...I felt like a third-wheel...despite there being only two of us.

It was Her. Her brain. And then though I were just observing them like some National Geographic Photographer in the wild.

Then suddenly she turned to me , "That's the moon" , she stated pointing at the ball as though that explained everything.

"The moon...symbolises a goddess that swore to remain a virgin forever...also meaning that she couldn't  have kids"

She took a deep breath.

"'ve been claimed by Artemis...Goddess of the hunt and moon..."she then started pacing...before continuing.

"But demi-gods can only get claimed by their parent...Julia...does that mean...that somehow...someway..Artemis is indeed your mother?"

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