'Father of the year'

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~Ella pov~

I pinched the bridge of my nose as I slowly started to gather my surroundings.
What the heck happened?
I looked up and saw my dads concerned face looming over me.
I shuffled uncomfortably away from him .
Why am I on the floor?
Then I looked towards Dumbledore.
Why was there a symbol of a trident in his hand. 
I blinked. 
McGonagall ,Dumbledore and Quirrel gazed at me with worrying expressions on their faces.
"What's with the long faces?"I asked,crinckling my eyebrows , confused.
My mind went on autopilot when they told me I was cursed.
"So the burning thing with the water doesn't happen to everyone?"I asked astounded.
Dumbledore nodded his head. 
"Seems more like an annoying nuisance than a curse" I added.
"Let's hope the curse doesn't develop into something els, we have to find a way to break it as soon as possible"McGonagall stated.
"We are dealing with some force stronger than normal magic"Dumbledore mumbled messaging his temple.
"I'm not even sure how it can be broken "
"But we've got to try!"Quirrel interjected. 
I fought the urge to roll my eyes.
Look who's trying to be a father all of a sudden.
"Of course...now while Proffessor McGonagal and decide on the best course of action moving forward...we are going to leave you two alone to talk about some unresolved issues" Dumbledore said before hurriedly walking out.
McGonagall in suit.

I looked at the closed door after them  before I slowly fixed my steely gaze upon the man that had betrayed me.

"Julia look -"

"-Save it!" I snapped as he stepped backwards intimidated.


"YOU abandoned me ! How could you do that?! Was me being born to much of a burden to be placed upon your shoulders?!"

"Of course not! Julia I had to do that to keep you safe! You're half-demi god !"

I froze.


"Half-demigod and monsters are attracted tp your scent but the scent gets stronger wants you find out your parentage!"

"Wait half-demigod...are you saying my mother is"

"A god..."

If you knew about your ancestory your scent would've become ten times stronger and put you into more danger .

I gave my arm a sniff(smelling nothing) "Great now I smell" I said sacastically, rolling my eyes.

"You won't be able to smell it ,only monsters can"

 There was a pause...that lasted longer than I care to admit.

"My Mother...what's  her name?"I asked .

Quirrel took a deep breath before saying "About your mother...you technically weren't supposed to ever be born-" ,my jaw dropped out of disbelief that my own father would ever say somethibg like that to me.

Although I don't know why I'm surprised...the guy did decide to ditch me at a doorstep when I was born.

"-Not that you being born was a bad thing!"He continued ,fumbling over his words.

"Right..."I said smiling fakely before continuing.

"The guy that dropped me off at a strangers house and didn't even bother to check on me thinks that I shouldn't have been born...wow great dad,really...father of the year material" I remarked  bitterly ,my words laced with pure venom and malice.

Quirrel looked stunned "Listen I didn't mean that...what I meant was-" he said trying to correct himself...but the damage had been done...the truth had pierced my heart like a dagger.

My own father thinks that should never been born.



Glad I won't ahave to worry about him attending any family reunions then.

"Forget it ,this was clearly a mistake" I snapped turning around and running out the door. 

All I heard was a faint "JULIA NO WAIT"" as I left him behind me.

I managed to find my way back to the wall of the Room of Requirement and paced up and down three times ,thinking about how much I wanted to leave ,and soon enough,a door materialised.

I stepped into the room , where a barrel full of floo powder stood...I grabbed a handful and stepped into the fireplace yelling "Yancy Academy" and throwing down the silvery substance as I was once again englufed by the  green flames.

I still had that dizzyness and sickening pit in stomach as my body was thrown around being transported a continent away.

Once again I found myself in the familiar small room that contained only a barrel and fireplace. 

My parents were no longer here. I checked the watch on my arm...it had been a couple of hours since I had last seen them.

They are long gone now.

I quickly changed out of my school uniform back into my clothes (as i couldn't risk my secret of being a witch being exposed)

Great. I'm catching secrets like Pokemon. 

I can't believe this is my life.

I rested my back against the wooden door ,ginally getting a momwnt to catch my breath and gather my thoughts.

My own father says that I shouldn't have been born .

And you know what?

Maybe he was right .

I was abandoned when I was born, then with my new surrogate family...I forced them to be in the Witness Protection Programme,on the run from a serial killer...none of this would've happened if I simply...just wasn't here.

Tears pricked my eyes...as a scary thought entered my mind...

"Would it be  better off for everyone if I just weren't here?"

Like what if I just decided to...take myself out of the equation...

I shook my head trying to clear my head of these thoughts . I didn't want to even go there. But I didn't know if it was because I was scared that deep dark abyss of thoughts clouding my eyes and judgement might...just might...for a fraction of a second... in fact be correct.

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