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~Hermionie pov~

I don't know what I was expecting...but it certainly wasn't that.
She's a demi-god and witch , in the Witness Protection Programme hiding from a serial killer who wants to kill her...while attending both muggle and wizard school,and ontop of that she's cursed .
If I hadn't forced her to take the veritaserum...I'm not sure I would've believed her.
I just wanted to make a friend...I didn't expect her life to be so...full of secrets.
I didn't understand how one person didn't fully combust from the heavyness of secrets.
But then she told me...that she felt like a burden on everyone around her ...and that set off alarm bells in my head...maybe she was in a dark space and needed from a was she contemplating doing something like...
I found my voice "Julia...have you even considered for a fraction of a second...harming yourself or commiting suicide?"
Her face contorted in such a way that I got the sense she was trying to restrain herself and hold herself back .
"No,what do you think I'm that stupid?" She snapped , but her voice was a slight octave higher on the word 'no' .
Could she be lying?
No, I read that a full vial of Veritaserum would subjugate the subject to be fully honest for at least a couple hours...affects starting immediatly...from the time consumed.
It had only been a matter of minutes.
So...she must be telling the truth.
It literally forces you to tell the truth.
And this was a full vial of Veritaserum...although it looks like quite a small vial...but I just assumed it was a full dose.
I looked at her.
She seemed composed.
Maybe I was just reading into things a little too much .
I mean...everybody gets insecure sometimes.
I'm sure she knows her family loves her and her life is worth living.
I really am not that good at social- que' I just brushed it off...afterall we have more pressing matters to deal with.
I swallowed the lump of uncertainty that had faded in my I gazed at the animal on the floor.
"So what do we do about him?" I asked , lightly kicking the Satyre once with my foot.
She gazed down at him

~Ella pov~

I looked down at the person who I once called friend a couple of hourse ago...his eyes were opened wide practically screaming 'I'm going to make you regret this!'
It was too dangerous to let him go.
He tried to kill me...He knew too much...he's been laying here the whole time on the floor...unable to move a limb...but he could still hear and see...he had heard everything...all my secrets laid bare.
"How long is he going to stay in this state?" I asked Hermionie.
"Until somebody does the counter-curse on him...which I read about."
I swallowed my pride...
Him. He was the answer. The only person that might still be in his office at this time...the man who was my dad.
The man...that wished that I had never existed to grace the ground with my feet.
The man...who I call father.

Then again...Artemis wasn't supposed to have what he said was technically correct but that doesn't change the fact that the dude ABANDONED me on some strangers doorstep 11 years ago.
Like what does he expect me to give him some 'dad of the year' mug on fathers day ?

"I'll go get Proffessor Mcgonagall" I stated.

"She and Dumbledore arn't available they said they had to leave to deal urgently with a situation"

Then that means...oh no...I sighed...but there's no other choice.
It must be done.
"Stay here with the body while I go get my dad."
Wow , that's a sentence that I never thought that I would say.
Hermionie nodded as I made my way towards the barrel.
Grabbing a fist-full of ash , I stepped into the fire-place announcing my destination "Hogwarts : School of Witchcraft and Wizardry" and I threw the contents that were in my hand down.
The familiar green flames encircled me...then I felt what could be described as the familiar feeling of being thown around like a pinata.
Feeling nauseaus ,in a matter of moments I was back in the Room of Requirement.
The cold interior of the room seemed to be mocking me like it was saying 'back so soon?'
I had an urge to scream back 'shut up!' ,but there would be no point.
I managed to make my way to the door...before opening it I saw there was a little crecent-moon on the doorknob.
I was confused.
Has that always been there?
I opened the door and looked at the doorknob on the other side of it.
There was no crescent moon symbol.

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