The Maddening Voice

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~Professor Quirinus Quirrel pov~

I watched as my daughter was sorted into Gryffindor...

'Clearly not a Slytherin' the voice in my head hissed.

I wanted to hiss back a "shut up that's still my daughter" out loud but I bit my tongue in an effort to

restrain myself.

The raspy voice in my head cackled darkly "You can't let your emotions get in the way of our plans Quirinus"

"I'm not",I mentally snapped back.

I hadn't seen my daughter since she was born and I was looking forward to getting to know her.

I regretted leaving her on that doorstep eleven years ago...but what choice did I have?

Her mother wanted nothing to do with her and I...well she's still my daughter.

"I told you should have killed her when she was born..."

I shook my head...trying to in vain to silence the voice that had been tormenting me for the past two years...but I can't escape it...I can never escape it...since two years ago when it happened...I could never silence him...

"She could ruin everything!" He barked.

I pinched the bridge of my nose as I felt the pounding in my skull.

I looked up feeling somebody's eyes on me...and I was confronted with a set of steely accusatory black eyes..."S-S-Severus" I stuttered ,forcing a smile on my face.

He grinned back at me...but his eyes showed no warmth...only malice.

"Quirinus" he greeted.

"I'm glad you were here on time for once..."Severus remarked.

"What do you m-mean?''I asked confused.

Snape smirked..."Oh nothing old 'friend' " he stated ,emphasizing the word friend...that was laced with what one could misinterpret as venom...but if you know get used to his way of speaking.

He continued with a smirk "It's just that...your mind seems preoccupied these days"

My breath caught in my throat .

I shifted uncomfortably in my seat.

"Does he know?"I asked the voice mentally.

"Off course not,keep it together you pathetic excuse for a mortal"it answered back.

Snape...obliviously unaware of my situation chuckled and further stated"So I'm guessing that you finally met the right girl"

I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding...and forced out a laugh....feeling utterly relieved.


He doesn't know about the voice.

My eyes caught sight of Minerva McGonagall picking up the hat and heading straight towards Dumbledore...who sat a couple of chairs down from me.

The Hat decided to talk to her on the way ...I could see it's mouth moving at the seams but I was too far away to here anything.

Professor McGonagall looked concerned...I wonder what that's about.

She hurriedly put the hat down then was hastily whispering to Dumbledore.

Dumbledore shot a worried glance down towards the Gryffindor table...where Julia was sitting...which made me confused.

What did that hat say about my daughter?

Why do they look concerned?

"SHUT IT! I need peace and quiet to rest Quirnus!"the voice snapped through my thoughts.

"Yes master"I answered back...trying not to overthink...or put any strain on him..

He needs to feed....soon.

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