Artemis's History

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I scoffed at the lady infront of me...
"Your telling me...this 'mad,sadistic serial years old."
Okay where were the cameras?
"This has to be like some kind prank or seriously did Dumbledore set this up...Or was it my parents?" I laughed, and spun around , scanning the room looking for where they hid some recording device.
"Good one guys ,nice to keep me on my toes!"
The brunette watched me...a dull and saddened expression on her face.
"Elena...this isn't some big joke, this is-"
My plucky attitude dropped in an instant.
"Ridiculous...I why joke about something as serious as this? Whoever's behind you like watching my reaction as I'm being fed blatant lies , why would you think this is funny?" I spun around wildly again as though there was some third unseen presence looming in the background just watching and waiting, before continuing...

"Oh right...because it's MY life on the line and not yours"

I looked at officer Louis..."I would've expected an officer of the law to uphold some sort of professionalism and not get involved in some joke."
She bit the inside of her cheek,then took a short shallow breath through her nose "Look I know you feel like this is some sort of joke or prank but-"
That's when I lost it.
Everything I had been keeping inside...all the emotion...all the fear...all the anguish...just decided spilled out.
I had told Hermionie all my secrets but I didn't tell her the full effect that it's had on me..
"I have been abducted from my Home Country because some serial killer decided to target me...having to leave behind the entire world I know..."
Louis looked at me with saddened eyes.
"I found out that my parents...arn't even my parents ,that I'm some wierd mutant half-blood 'witch-demigod' freak, someone's committed suicide , and not to mention the fact that I was held at knife-point by someone I considered to be a friend because he can not fathom that someone close to him was a witch...who he believes are all apart of some evil and kniving cult because he was CONDITIONED by the history of some stupid war that happened so many flippen years ago that I- !"
I ran out of breath...but it felt good to get it all out...
She looked at me calmly as I felt my left eye twitch.
I must've looked only about half-sane...and to be honest...I probably was...
"Grover the Satyre...I know , your dad told me-"
"I have been cursed for who knows what reason, maybe because of the fact that I actually wasn't supposed to be born...and you expect me to believe...that this alleged 'monstor of a man' eleven years old?"
"I know this is a lot to process right now"
"Process?! You told me he killed his neighbours dog when he was nineteen! How on earth could my serial killers age now be eleven ?!"
She blinked twice before regretably sighing "I have a theory about that..."
"You have a theory...all right...let's hear it then...this ought to be good"
Officer Lane faced me with an annoyed-but somehow sympathetic-expression .
"I suspect he has been using polyjuice potion to make himself look older."
I scoffed.
She looked at me ....exasperation plastered all over he face "Don't you see...THIS is the reason we had trouble catching him! THIS is why we couldn't find him!"
I rolled my eyes..."so your saying an eleven year old...killed thousands of people...masterminded heist after kicked out of three countries...caused mayhem in three continents and...plot twist...'he's . now. my. brothe...?'"
She looked at me ," okay...I see we're not going to get anywhere this way..." she then took out her wand.
"What are you gonna do ? Make me lose my memory because your 'little prank' didn't work?"I taunted.
"Take out your arm" she ordered.
I blinked twice "what?"
"Take.Out.Your.Arm" she hissed.
I just looked at her.
"Because we're going to do an 'unbreakable vow' ...I'm going to prove to you that I am indeed telling you the truth."
No. She can't be serious.
This is mad.
This is insane.
She wouldn't actually...
Then we repeated something similar to the process that happened when Hermionie made the unbreakable vow... only differance was that she vowed that she was telling the truth.
After the spell had been performed ,a tidal wave of shock washed over me.
This...was all real?
There were no camera's?
There was no prank?
...I felt like someone had poured a bucket of ice-cold water over me...realisation settling over me ... stradling me...strangling me...haunting me...looming over me...completely devouring me.
My head felt dizzy...I looked at my hands and saw they were slightly shaking.
'Get a hold of yourself Ella' I chided.
'Don't show fear.'
That's why I brought you this Ella she said and she reached inside her pocket and grabbed a moon-necklace.
A necklace?
How would a necklace help me?
Wait...Why was it moon-shaped..could this be...something from my mother?
"Listen he could be anyone or anything...take this...we used some ...dark magic...but it was done by the ministry of magic like it's all legal and whatnot...but I wouldn't exactly go around advertising it..."she grumbled the last bit under her breath.
"This culprit is very elusive , and with polyjuice he can look like anyone...even Dumbledore or me. This Necklace is infused with a magical spell that involved some of his blood.
This necklace will alert you if he is near by glowing a bright emerald green and becoming seeringly hot , the closer and closer you are to him.
It will start off luke warm and will become hotter and hotter the closer he gets to you.
Because of the spells we have put in place...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2023 ⏰

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