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Officer Lane ended up escorting me back into the room of requirement , so we would be able to talk without anyone overhearing.
I was confused.
Why was she here?
Was it good news or bad news?
"This is a very serious situation...we have just recieved intel that Jhonne Piere does in fact have magical blood.
Wait what?
"So you mean..."
"He's a wizard..."
I felt the air leave my lungs before I could even start to gathe my next breath.
My palms felt throat tightned.
"He left some DNA whilst running away from the museum, apparently he got grazed by one of the bullets that day at the we compared it on the data base...nothing came up...then Dumbledore asked me to run it through the magical trace database."
Wait! He's a wizard?!
Oh no. Oh no. Oh no no no .
I'm so dead.
I gulped...great now the serial killer can use a wand.
Lovely. Absolutely Peachy. Could this day get any flippen worse?!
At lest maybe my death will be quick and peaceful if it's a spell.
Although ...looking at the killers Motus Operandum...he'll most likely want to enjoy excruciatingly torturing me before I die...
"There's one more thing that we have discovered...Elena...when we trace somebody on the magical trace database...we can find out more about their family history...."
"Okay...?"I said unsurely...
She took a deep breath.
"I don't know how to tell you this Elèna...we were shocked when we found out...we really wern't expecting this."
I's almost as if she was trying to dodge the question I was about to verbalise...
"Expecting what?"
She looked around the room then grasped her hands together ...almost like a gesture that she was trying to contain evil.
She fixed me with those steely eyes.
"This is the reason that we couldn't find him for so long"
She must have noticed the confused look on my face .
"His family tree was the key"
What does his family have to do with this?
Is it a whole valley of psychopaths?
She was beating around the bush...I could tell.
Almost as if she was dancing cautiously around what she had to say if she were dancing dangerously around a flame...trying not to get burnt

"He's...half-demi-god and half wizard.."
My eyes widened...but nothing could have prepared me for her next sentence.
"Elena...I hate to tell you this...but this person that's trying to kill you...this monstrosity of a man...we found in least biologically...your twin brother"

Cursed (A Percy Jackson vs Harry Potter love triangle)Where stories live. Discover now