Live laugh love birthdays.

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(Hopes pov)

Jesus Hope what don't you understand we will never work I can't be with you your a Mikaelson and loving a Mikaelson gets you killed kidnapped or anything

Landon you don't mean that please tell me you don't mean that this whole time I've been trying to push you away and just when I let you in you do this

I'm sorry Hope but we're not meant to be especially with my dad being Malivore I should've realized sooner and saved you some type of heart break.

Get out

Hope I'm sorry..

Get out right now Landon and never talk to me again I said while tears ran down my face and watched Landon leave

(5 weeks later)

(Josie's pov)

Hope has been weird ever since the break up of her and Landon everybody was very shocked when they found out it wasn't Hope who called it quits Lizzie was extremely angry with Landon even though she hated Hope


Yes Lizzie?

Do you realize what day it is and your still and bed writing in your stupid diary

My diary isn't stupid, what day is it I said slightly annoyed

Hopes birthday

Shit! I didn't even realize since when do you care about Hope's birthday Lizzie?

Ever since thrift store hobbit left her I know you've seen the way Hope has been it's like she doesn't know what to do anymore

Well that is true well hopefully Hope is this nice to you as well I smiled.

(Lizzie's pov)

I went into town to get Hope a dress for tonight since she hasn't left her room she only left for ice cream so I got the dress and headed back

Hope I said while gently knocking on her door when the door opened I seen a red eyed messy hair Hope

Hi Lizzie she sniffled

She sounded so hurt my heart broke into a thousand pieces I instantly gave her a hug can I come in?

Uhm I'd prefer if you didn't it's kinda a big mess in here I then peeked around Hope and she wasn't lying

Okay I said I then gave her the dress

What's this for she asked

You may not remember but your birthday is today and me and Josie thought it would be nice to show you how much we appreciate you

Thank you but since when do you care about me?

Don't let anyone know I said while getting closer to her ear I've always cared about you I just had my own way of showing it.

Oh well then I'll think about attending my party you and Josie helped put together she smiled

Okay it would everyone extremely happy if you came I said and walked away.

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