Jewelry store

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(Lizzie's pov)

Hope was still looking at me she hadn't moved one bit

So you like me Saltzman?

Yeah I said with a hint of guilt because of my sister dating Hope

But I'm with your sister

Jesus Hope don't you think I know that that's the reason I backed off because of you and Josie liking each other

I'm sorry Lizzie

You don't have to be just get out I said quietly

Can I do something first before I leave

And what is that?

She then kissed me

What the hell Hope I said while looking into her eyes

I'll leave now she started to walk away but I pulled her back and kissed her

She slowly moved me onto my bed and she quickly stopped to lock the door and came straight back kissing on my neck I slightly moaned she ripped off my shorts and underwear and I looked at her she started pumping her fingers in and out of me

Hope I moaned she then started kissing me she started going faster making me jolt and hold onto her

Hope I'm gonna- but I was cut off by her saying mhm and then I came Hope smiled in satisfaction and I tried to catch my breathe she then licked her fingers

I have to take a shower now I said walking away I could feel Hope looking at me after I took a nice shower I came back to see Hope sleep on my bed so I laid next to her falling asleep

(1 hour later)

(Hopes pov)

I woke up to find my self laying on Lizzie and having a million texts from an angry Josie I care about Josie there's no doubt about that but Lizzie just does something to me that I can't explain Landon has been gone for 3 months and comes back tomorrow so he doesn't know anything hopefully he's over me

Hope? Lizzie whined while sitting up

Yes I said looking at her

What about Josie she said guiltily

I care about you Lizzie there's something different about you that Josie doesn't have I just need to be honest and tell her I care for you

And tell her what we did?

I might leave a few details out I smiled and kissed her everything felt perfect

Lizzie! Josie said banging on the door I quickly got off Lizzie and hit the floor Lizzie laughed at me

Why's the door locked

I didn't want anyone coming in I'm coming just give me a second I then jumped out the bathroom window

Oh my god! Hope are you okay?

I'll recover I yelled back while laying on the ground

(Lizzie's pov)

I then opened the door making sure everything looked good

Hey Josie

Have you seen Hope?

No why

She hasn't been answering my texts or my calls I'm worried about her

Oh I'm sorry about that if I see her I'll let you know sis

Mhm so Lizzie do you wanna talk about why you've been acting so weird?

I was going through something nothing important

It is important if you couldn't even talk to your family

Well I talked to Mg about it so it wasn't that important okay?


Well I'm leaving out

Where are you going Lizzie

Into town I've heard they got new stuff down there

Nice can I come?

Yeah sure just let me get dressed

(Josie pov)

There was a knock on the door while Lizzie was getting dressed in the bathroom so I opened the door and as soon as I opened it Lizzie was dressed and walked out and it was Hope at the door

Hope! I'm so glad your okay I said while hugging her Lizzie and Hope made eye contact and Hope didn't stop looking at her


Oh uhm yes Josie

Me and Lizzie are going into town would you like to come

I would love to but I gotta do something

Please Hope I haven't seen you at all yesterday and you wouldn't even answer my texts or calls so this is how you could make it up to me

Fine I'll be waiting in my car

Yes okay we'll be there soon

Okay she said while walking away

You ready Lizzie

Yeah come on we walked to Hope's car and Hope opened the door for me and Lizzie

That was very nice of Hope I thought

So we are going into town right?

Yes okay

(40 minutes later)

I absolutely hate driving into town Hope groaned

Me and Lizzie laughed

Lizzie got out of the car and so did me and Hope

So where to first

I wanted to go to this new jewelry store

Okay well then we will go there first.

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