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(Hopes pov)

I rushed at Mikael and tackled him

Your weak just like your father he laughed I will defeat your family the same way I defeated you

No! Lizzie cried as he held a knife to my neck she was being held back by Mg

Matter of fact I'll let you live just to spread the word that I'm back to kill you and your family he sped away and Lizzie and Josie ran to my side

We need to hurry up and get her back to the school Alaric said picking me up

(Lizzie's pov)

We were at the school and Hope was in her room healing


Yeah Jo?

What's up with you and Hope?

Nothing we're just friends

I didn't know friends yell friends name from a bad dream and hold hands and look at each other like they're in love

Josie is this because of what Mikael said I would never do that to you

Okay she said walking away

I then went to Hope's room

Hey Liz she groaned while sitting up

Hey I said quietly

What's wrong

Josie we have to tell her soon right?

How about we tell her tomorrow together

Okay I said kissing her then laying with her in her bed

I hope you heal even quicker I said laying gently on her chest

Yeah me too

Hope? Josie said knocking on her door

I'm naked she yelled

And I couldn't stop laughing

Nothing I haven't seen before is there someone in there with you

I quickly stopped laughing at that

No she yelled she told me to hide under the bed so I did

Come in

Lizzie get from under the bed she sighed

What Hope said

Don't lie to me right now Lizzie come out I know that laugh from anywhere

I rolled from under the bed nervously

So are you two gonna tell me what's going on

(Hopes pov)


What the hell is going on with you two

We were going to tell you

Jesus spit it out Hope

Me and Lizzie have feelings for each other

For how long huh

3 months after dating

Wow Hope I thought you loved me

Trust me I did..

Did that's the thing now what you love my sister and you she said looking at Lizzie you can't even say a damn word I'm so sick of this shit she said a spell to hurt me we're over Hope she said storming out

I'm sorry Hope I choked she cried

It's okay at least we can do whatever we want now right


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