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(Hopes pov)

We were now in the jewelry store Josie and Lizzie were having fun laughing and giggling together and I felt guilty because I knew that I would be the downfall of their relationship

Hope Lizzie yelled

Yes Liz? I said standing up

Come look with us she said grabbing my hand and pulling me towards her and Josie

Your being boring Josie said

Sorry I just feel like something's off I said looking around

Like what Lizzie said standing behind me

I don't know just get what you guys want so we can hurry up and get out of here

Okay they said they were done in the next 20 minutes I told them to quickly walk to the car 5 men came into my view so I stopped Lizzie and Josie stopped behind me

What is it Hope Lizzie said grabbing my hand my eyes started to glow yellow as they were coming from all angles

I hurried and got them to the car they were very scared

They're gone I said

Who was there Josie asked

I don't know I just need to get you back to the school once we got back they went into their room and I went to find Alaric

Hope what's wrong?

I know we are not supposed to do this without permission but me Josie and Lizzie went into town today

You did what Hope you out of anyone know I don't like that it's almost forbidden

I know I'm sorry but someone was targeting Josie and Lizzie

How do you know

Five men were out there walking towards us I could feel it Alaric they weren't after me it was like I didn't exist to them

Okay we need to keep them here and have an eye on them at all times


So how would you feel to have a break from classes and be a body guard for your girlfriend and her sister

I wouldn't care Alaric anything to keep them safe

Okay tomorrow is when you start

Okay I said walking out

Hope there you are!

Landon? What do you want

Hope I've always wanted you the things the I said about your family was unacceptable and wrong I just want us to go back to the way it used to be me and you loving each other is what I want

The thing is Landon I don't care about what you want anymore we are never getting back together and that's your fault find someone else please I walked away after that and went to sleep.

(Lizzie's pov)

I woke up to see Hope sitting in a chair reading a book I screamed and Hope got up

Oh she sighed I thought you were hurt

Why are you in here

Well your dad said I'm you and Josie's body guard for a while I told him what happened last night

Oh well if your our body guard where is Josie?


Oh I'm going back to sleep then

Oh no your not she yanked the cover off of me

Hope! I laughed she smiled at me

Your not going back to sleep

I gave her a quick kiss and smiled she then walked and sat back down

Josie then walked out of the bathroom

Good morning Lizzie she said

Good morning

Hope I groaned

What is it?

Can we please go back into town

What hell no I was told to keep you guys safe I even made a damn promise

Please Hope I said sounding sad

Fine hurry up put your shit on and let's go

(Josie's pov)

I was standing there shocked nobody has ever convinced Hope to do something especially if it puts them in danger


Yes Jo

How are you feeling I said while giving her a hug

I feel just fine knowing you'll be okay because your staying right?


Okay good I'll only have to protect Lizzie then

Okay Hope I'm ready

Bye Jo I gave her kiss as she was walking out

(Landon's pov)

I seen Lizzie and Hope leave together I decided to follow them because their not supposed to go into town without a adult

I had tinted windows on my car so I could look in theirs and I was shocked when I seen Lizzie and Hope making out I took a picture and speeded away

(Hopes pov)


What the hell was that Lizzie said

Someone took a picture I said speeding after them



What if they know Josie and tell her Hope I'm scared

Lizzie listen to me we are going to have to tell her anyway this way will just be harder

Hope slow down

No we almost got him


I then slowed down and let him get away

Look we're into town okay?

Let's just let it happen she sighed

Okay I mumbled.

I got out and opened Lizzie's door and got the same feeling I then held on to Lizzie's hand tightly

What Hope she asked

Stay by me I said seriously


I want a new dress she said dragging me with her but we were stopped by a man

Give me the girl

Hell no I could feel Lizzie's grip tighten on my hand

Fine he threw a solid punch and I told Lizzie to run and get in the car

I threw multiple punches but nothing affected him he then snapped my leg and I had to sit there and watch as another man took Lizzie

Hope she screamed as I passed out.

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