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When I woke up it was morning I already healed and people were surrounded by people I slowly got up and ran to my car and prepared for the lecture I was going to get from Alaric

I finally got there and went to find Josie

Hope? Thank god your okay where's Lizzie

I don't know

What do you mean you don't know

Someone took her believe me Josie I fought to keep her safe but their strength was unbelievable I groaned and sat on Josie's bed and lifted up my shirt

You still haven't healed

The person I fought was something different Jo I then fell asleep

(1 hour later)

Your healed Josie said

Great now I need to find your sister I could see Josie had been crying

Josie shook her head and started crying what? What's wrong Josie?

Lizzie she cried

What the hell?

She pointed towards the box on the floor I looked at her and looked at the box I hesitantly walked towards it and opened it I seem Lizzie's severed head inside

What the hell! I cried I felt so angry with my self did your dad see it?

She shook her head yes

I cried my self to sleep and had a dream about Lizzie

Hey Hope she smiled


I'm still here Hope

What do you mean

I'm not dead

Your lying I saw your severed head that image will forever be in my head I cried

I'm here I never left they lied to you Hope find me promise you'll bring me home

Your not real

Promise me Hope!

I woke up from my dream with Lizzie's name flying out of my name

Hope calm down

I uhm I need to go for a walk I said putting my clothes on and leaving I was outside thinking about my dream I still hadn't talked to Alaric

Hey Hope Mg said

Hey Mg

So how's your day been?


Yeah Lizzie right?

I shook my head yea I had she was still alive and wanted me to find her

Maybe it's real use Josie's blood or Lizzie's stuff to do it

Mmm okay I quickly ran to Josie's room

Give me your blood

What? She said getting out of bed

Give me your blood Josie

Why Hope

Just give me the fucking blood!

Okay jesus Hope what's wrong with you she said dripping her blood into a cup

Nothing I quickly did a spell and it said she was somewhere in the woods

Where are you going

To get your sister

She's alive?

I'm going to kill whoever even thought about truly harming her we need to get your dad and Mg and anyone else who truly cares about Liz

(Lizzie's pov)

When I woke up all I could think about was Hope and if she was coming to get me

Your up a man said

Who are you what do you want?

Your a friend of the Mikaelson's correct?

Yeah so what

Well sweetheart that's what I want do you even know who gave Klaus Elijah Rebekah Freya Henrik even Hope

So who are- wait your Hopes grandfather

The one and only Mikael he grinned when he came into view

Let me out of here!

I'm afraid I can't do that if your a friend of Hope's she will surely come get you at least try because she will fail

Hope did nothing to you

Yet she's the daughter of my bastard son Niklaus and well when she's missing he will surely find her and my other children will come along and I'll kill them all even her mother no tribrids or hybrids will be alive

So you plan on killing Hope?

That's exactly what I plan on doing

Klaus or Hayley won't let you

But yet they can't stop me you see do you know Marcel

He's like Hopes brother

And what is he child?

An upgraded original wait so your a upgraded original

Yes I am that's why they won't make it he walked towards me they'll be here soon and they need to find you unconscious then everything went black

(Josie's pov)

We were in the car and Hope was speeding she was so determined to get Lizzie back it made me wonder if she would do the same for me

We need more gas she groaned while pulling up to a gas station and don't get out

Hope please I need to stretch

Fine she sighed

Thank you I said giving her a kiss

Listen Jo when we find Lizzie and go home me and you need to uh talk

We can talk now

No later she said getting in the car


(Hopes pov)

We're here I said quickly getting out along with Mg Josie and Alaric

I walked in not caring

Hope! Alaric yelled be more careful he said walking behind me

I then broke down a chained to find Lizzie

Lizzie I whispered while breaking the chains and making sure she wasn't hurt she had bruises and just that made me mad she then woke up

Hope you have to go

What no I'm not leaving without you I said picking her up

Hope! He's coming for you and your family


Your grandfather my heart then sunk

We have to go right now

Your not going anywhere abomination

Mikael? I said putting Lizzie down

That's no way to treat your grandad Hope

It was nice meeting you but we are gonna go I said holding Lizzie's hand

You know something Hope I know what it looks like to see someone be in love 1,000 years of observing would do that trick and the way you care for this young lady says something

Yeah whatever I could feel Josie looking at me and Lizzie holding hands that's when I knew we would have to talk.

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