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(Josie pov)

I was drunk and decided to say something as everyone was walking to their classes

Attention everyone! Everyone looked at me

As you all know I'm dating Hope well I was I laughed and everyone gasped I know right the craziest part is she cheated on me with my sister Lizzie Saltzman Mg then speeded to get me and took me outside

Mg! Your ruining the fun I wasn't even done

I'm not going to let you clown your sister in front of everyone

She betrayed me

Josie so what that's your sister your not supposed to let a boy or a girl get in between you guys so please learn to forgive her she can't control her feelings well you know that

Fine I'll think about it

Hey Landon I said walking past him

Have you seen this picture he questioned it was a picture of Lizzie and Hope kissing

No I truly really didn't want to see it either I sighed

Missing Hope?

I'm missing Lizzie and Hope I groaned

And Hope huh

I still care for her even after what she did

I got a secret to tell you alright

What is it

I'm the reason Mikael is back


I found a very powerful witch she could do almost anything dark magic fire spells nature spells and let's not forget love spells

Love spells?

Yes you could get Hope back Jo

No I want my sister to be happy she deserves Hope

Oh come on Josie you telling me your gonna stand by watch them get married kiss and hug and cuddle at family movie nights that's miserable Josie

I don't care Landon leave me alone

Okay call me if you ever change your mind Jo.

(Lizzie's pov)

I was having fun talking with Rebekah and Freya Hope was off with her dad talking about what to do with Mikael

So Lizzie how did you and Hope meet

Well it's not the best story

None of us have a good love story so spill

Me and my sister liked Hope of course we didn't tell each other and Josie ended up getting with Hope so I backed off until Hope was ready to risk it all and let's just say she found out yesterday and we haven't talked since

Awww I'm sorry to hear that Freya said

It's all good I smiled

Liz Hope said out of breathe

What's up

I need you to take my car and go get snacks please

Okay I said taking her keys

Me and Freya could go with her to keep her safe

That's fine by me Hope said

Okay let's go

(7 mins later)

We were at the store buying snacks until I seen Mikael

Hey Elizabeth

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